Home Events Answers in Genesis Creation Conference at Faith Evangelical Bible Church

Answers in Genesis Creation Conference at Faith Evangelical Bible Church


Have you ever had questions about the biblical flood, questions about the beginnings of the universe, or ever ask what relevance does creation have in my life as a believer in Christ? Faith Evangelical Bible Church is excited to announce that we will be having an Answers in Genesis creation conference on February 28-March 1.

James Gardner, founder of Canopy Ministries and adjunct speaker for Answers in Genesis will be sharing with us his expertise about biblical authority as well as creation apologetics. Jim has taught extensively on the subject of creation vs. evolution in the United States and internationally in churches, schools, and colleges since 1993. Jim and his wife have been married for over 30 years and currently reside in Mountain City, Tennessee.

To learn more about Jim and the ministry he founded, just go to www.canopyministries.org. To learn more about this specific event at Faith Evangelical Bible Church please go to http://faithebc.net and click on the “Special Announcements” link. We will be serving a complimentary pork sandwich supper Saturday evening at 6:00 p.m.  Please mark your calendars and plan to join us!