Home School Elementary Student of the Month – November 2014

Elementary Student of the Month – November 2014


November Elementary Students of the Month

·      Kindergarten-Thiesen: Pieper Epp and Hayden Powers
·      Kindergarten-Peters: Zaine Swartzendruber and Aiden Park
·      1st Grade-Steever: Brooklynn Veerhausen
·      1st Grade-Ratzlaff: Riley Quiring
·      2nd Grade-Goff: Langdon Arbuck
·      3rd Grade-Crouch: Kaylee Goertzen and Hunter Perez
·      4th Grade-Hiebner: Eloise Casper
·      5th Grade-Maltsberger: Mason Hiebner
·      6th Grade-Veerhusen: Lauren Quiring

From these students, Riley Quiring was selected to be interviewed for the Elementary Student of the Month.

IMG_20141208_134216_726-1Riley Quiring is a first grader in Mrs. Ratzlaff’s class at Heartland. She said they are busy learning many different things right now, but she recalled that they are working on how to subtract big numbers.

Although she really enjoys reading time in the classroom, her favorite subject is music class. Right now they are singing Christmas songs which makes it even better because Christmas is her favorite time of the year. “I love Christmas and celebrating Jesus’ birthday!” Riley was quick to exclaim.

Another highlight of her time at school is being able to see both of her parents working there. Her mom is the Head Cook and her dad is the Maintenance Supervisor. Riley was thrilled to share that she gets to see her parents almost every day at school.

Outside of school, she participates in gymnastics. Her favorite exercise is the bars. She also played t-ball on the orange team in the summer.

Riley dreams of becoming a traveling doctor someday because she really enjoys going different places, especially to see her grandparents in Kansas.

Congratulations to Riley and all of the elementary students selected!