Home News 2014 Community Days Golf Scramble

2014 Community Days Golf Scramble [PHOTOS] [RESULTS]

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Tournament winners Taylor Siebert and Jeff Michel

The Community Days Golf Tournament was held last Sunday, July 13 at Galaway Creek Golf Course. Sixteen two person teams competed in the tournament. Taylor Siebert and Jeff Michel were the tournament winners with a score of 61.


Championship Flight

1. Siebert/Michel 61
2. Duerksen/Peters 63
3. Campbell/Melby 66

1st Flight

1. Goertzen/Rathjen 65
2. Mestl/Mestl 67
3. Demers/Dewey 68

2nd Flight

1. Peters/Peters 70
2. Friesen/Hansen 74
3. Steingard/Smith 76

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Paige Peters won the longest drive on hole #3.