Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck

Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck [May 29, 2014]


Coming Events
May 27, 2014 – Extension Board Meeting, 8:00 p.m., Extension Office, York

Cropping Update
Hopefully by now most producers in the area have been able to plant and in many cases replant both corn and soybeans.  The past couple of week CropWatch has address this issue, so you can check it out at:  http://cropwatch.unl.edu/.

Also posted at that the CropWatch site is a short survey that I need your help with.  As we plan future cropping system plans, we’re wanting input from producers/crop consultants on what research-based, cropping systems information you are looking for now and what do you think you’ll need in the future?  You can go to the CropWatch website or this is the direct link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/F7CSPCT.

NAWMN Update
As I mentioned last week, the next few weeks we’re going to be assisting new cooperators to the Nebraska Ag Water Management Network install Watermark Sensors and ETgages.  Now’s the time to get your sensors out and soaked prior to installing them.  Last week we installed sensors in a couple of fields.  We probed down to three feet and good moisture all the way down, so in most cases we are starting with a full profile. Hopefully this week we’ll help producers install several more sets before the crops get too big.

I’ve been reading the sets that I’ve installed several weeks ago I’ve been posting them the past few weeks.  This information is available at: http://water.unl.edu/NAWMN, click on the ETgage tool link.  We received about 1.40” of rain this past week and the ETgages I monitor have dropped about 1.45” for the past week.  The corn and soybean fields nears these sites vary from V2 to V6 so the crop coefficient is still relatively small, so we’re not worried about irrigation at this time.

If you are new to using ETgages or Watermark Sensors, our office would be glad to assist you.  Just give me a call 402-362-5508 or email me at gary.zoubek@unl.edu.  We’d be glad to help demonstrate installing them.

Soil Health Field Day Planned 
Scott Gonnerman is sponsoring and host a great Field day at his farm on June 11 at his farm near Waco, NE (6 miles North, 1 mile East of Waco, NE) from 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Topics will include:

Soil Health Comparisons Between Conventional Till and No-Till Soils (in field demonstrations)

Utilize Soil Indicators to Determine Soil health and Function (in field demonstration)

Soil Health and Sustainability: Changing our Paradigms (in field)

No-till Equipment: Setup, Adjustments and Maintenance (hands on)

Soil Ecology and Nutrient Cycling

Soil Testing – A Biological Approach

Economics of Cover Crops

The Plant and The Soil Are One

Designing Cover Crop Mixtures

Speaker includes nationally acclaimed soil health experts Ray Archuleta, Jim Hoorman, Ray Ward, Paul Jasa and Keith Berns. You can register to attend for $45 per person (noon meal included).  I’ll share more information about the sessions next week.  To register, go to: https://greencoverseed.com/

Lawn & Garden
How’s your garden doing?  Keeping the rabbits and other pest away?  I’ve had a little problem with a pesky rabbit, but other than that the garden has been doing well.  So far have not had to water the turf or the garden!  It won’t be long and we’ll be seeing pests like bean leaf beetles and leaf spot disease will be occurring on tomatoes.  I suggest applications of fungicides early in the season to protect the leaves.

Contact our office if you have lawn and garden questions and we’ll try and provide the answers.