Home Sports Boys Basketball Heartland Jr. High Boys Basketball Currently Undefeated

Heartland Jr. High Boys Basketball Currently Undefeated [PHOTO]

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Back: Coach Dan Gilson, Reid Huebert, Ben Mestl, Carson Amack, Peyton Ott, Bryce Allen, Zach Dente, and Coach Lee Smith
Font: Jaden Regier, Lane Huebert, Connor Boehr, Aaron Buller, Kyle Ott, Hayes Oswald, and Noah Boyd
Not Pictured: Ric Bulin and Jesse Mason

The Heartland Jr. High Boys Basketball Teams are having a great season with the 7th Grade currently 5-0 and the 8th Grade 6-0. This year, the Huskies are coached by Dan Gilson and Lee Smith.

If you would like to catch them in action yet this season, they will be playing at Harvard on Thursday, at Sutton on February 24, and at the Harvard Tournament on March 1.

Photo courtesy of Deb Mierau