Home Events HHCS Jr. Auxiliary Scrapbooking Night

HHCS Jr. Auxiliary Scrapbooking Night



It’s that time of the year again for the well-loved Henderson Health Care Jr. Auxiliary Scrapbooking Night fundraiser.

The event this year will take place Friday, January 31, from 4:00-11:00 p.m. at the Bethesda Fellowship Hall.

A $25 registration fee includes a soup buffet, all-you-can-eat snacks, bottle water, chair massages, and hourly door prizes.

Scrapbooking vendor Jane Jost will be there with Close To My Heart scrapbooking products.

To RSVP for this night, contact Jerri Janzen at 723-4966 or jbjanzen@mainstaycomm.net.