Home Living Health HHC Health Challenge 2014

HHC Health Challenge 2014


Be the biggest winner for being the biggest loser during the third Health Challenge sponsored by Henderson Health Care (HHC).

Teams of two can participate for $30 in this weight loss challenge lasting from December 30 to March 31. The team that loses the largest total percentage of weight during this period will win one of the top three team CASH PRIZES. There are three categories: Top men’s team, top women’s team, and top mixed man and woman team.

Weigh-ins will be conducted in the HHC Wellness Center on the lower level of the clinic December 30, 31, January 2, 3, and 6, from 8:00 am–5:00 p.m.

This year, Sutton Family Practice will also be participating by signing up Sutton residents. Participants in Sutton can weigh-in and register at the Sutton Family Practice clinic on January 3 or 6 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

There will be an optional midway weight check. If your team has lost the greatest amount of weight at the mid-way point, February 14, you will each win a Fitbit Fitness Tracker valued at $100.

Don’t miss this great opportunity to jump start your weight loss in 2014 by participating in the Health Challenge. Call Lavonne at (402) 723-4512 ext 287 if you have any questions. Or if you live in Sutton, call Pat at the Sutton clinic at (402) 773-2130.