Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck

Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck [November 27, 2013]


Coming Events

  • Dec. 9, 2013 – Farmers & Ranchers College, 1:00 p.m., Opera House, Bruning
  • Dec. 10, 2013 – Landlord/Tenant Workshop, 6:30 p.m., 4-H Building, York
  • Dec. 16, 2013 — Mid-Plains Beef Grazing Workshop, 9:30 a.m., ARDC, Ithaca
  • Dec. 23, 2013 – Extension Board Exec. Meeting, 12:00 noon, Extension Office, York

Congratulations York Corn Growers

I want to say congratulations to the York Corn Growers.  You had a great annual meeting last Thursday.  Also congratulations to Mat Habrok who was recognized for his service to corn growers in York and across the state.  It’s important that all corn growers be involved in their association.  For more info about the York County Corn Growers and becoming a member, contact any of the Board of Directors or visit their website at: http://www.yorkcountycorngrowers.com/.

Positioning Your Business for Agriculture’s Next Decade

The next Farmers & Ranchers College program will be held December 9, 2013, at the Opera House in Bruning, NE starting at 1:00 p.m.  This program will feature Dr. David Kohl, Professor Emeritus with the Dept. of AAEC, VA TECH and will discuss the wild world of global and domestic economics with “black swans” or unusual events around every corner.

Dr. Kohl will discuss the major game changers influencing the agriculture landscape along with a quick tour of global economics and how it is influencing land values, commodities, and input costs.  Is agriculture in an asset or credit bubble?  What can you do financially in this business environment to capitalize on the economic volatility?  Dr. Kohl will give tips on management practices that will help you think globally but act locally in strategic and everyday decision-making.

December 10th Landlord/Tenant Lease Workshop

The time is running out to register for the Dec. 10 Landlord/Tenant Cash Lease workshop!  This workshop should help landlords and tenants put together a lease that is right for them and help maintain positive farm leasing relations.

The workshop will begin at 6:30 pm and conclude at about 9:30 pm, will be held in the 4-H Building, 2400 Nebraska Avenue here in York.

Topics to be discussed include:

– Latest information about land values and cash rental rates for the area and state;

-  Expectations from the lease, including goal setting for the rental property;

-  Lease termination, including terminating handshake or verbal leases;

–  Lease communication, determining appropriate information sharing for both the tenant and landlord;

–  Alternative cash lease arrangements, flexible provision considerations for your situation; and

–  Other topics, like irrigation systems, hay rent, pasture rental agreements, and grain bin rental will be covered as time allows.

Our presenters indicate that it is very helpful if both the tenant and landlord can attend together.  It is also helpful if the spouse attends.   Everyone is welcome to the workshop.

This free workshop is sponsored by the Nebraska Soybean Board and the North Central Risk Management Agency.  Refreshments and handouts will be provided.  Registrations are requested by December 6th to insure adequate supplies for the participants. To register, please contact the UNL Extension Office in York County at 402-362-5508 or email me at gary.zoubek@unl.edu.

Grazing Workshop Planned

The last few weeks, I’ve mentioned that we have plenty of stalks that can be well utilized for beef grazing. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension’s Mid-Plains Beef Educational Series will conduct a special December session on expanding grazing options, pricing inputs, and reducing health problems at calving at the UNL Agricultural Research and Development Center (1071 County Road G, Ithaca).

The program is designed for producers, veterinarians, students, or others involved in the beef industry. This special session will include cover crops and how they may fit into a beef grazing system, testing forages for quality, pricing strategies for hay and supplements, grazing corn stalks and its impact on grain yields, grazing corn stalks with cattle, and reducing and preventing calf health problems at and during birth. Time will also be allotted to visit with the speakers on an individual or small group basis.

The session will be December 16, with registration at 9:30 a.m. and ending at approximately 4:00 p.m. at the UNL Agricultural Research and Development Center near Mead, NE.  Registration is requested by December 13. The cost is $15 which covers educational materials, noon meals and breaks.  To register or obtain more information, contact them at: Lindsay Chichester, Saunders County, 402-624-8030.  Information about this workshop is posted at: http://york.unl.edu/crops-future.

Nebraska Soybean Day and Machinery Expo

The annual Nebraska Soybean Day and Machinery Expo will be held in the pavilion on the Saunders Co. Fairgrounds in Wahoo on Thursday, December 19, beginning at 8:30 a.m. and concluding at 2:30 p.m.

It will open with coffee, donuts, and the opportunity to view equipment and exhibitor booths. Speakers start at 9:00 a.m.

Some of the topics will include:

The World of Weather and Agriculture – Dr. Elwynn Taylor, Climatologist, Iowa State University

5 Tips for Profitable Soybean Yields – Farmer and President of Calmer Research, Marion Calmer, Alpha, Illinois

Markets – The Soybean and Corn Complex – Darin Newsom, DTN Senior Analyst

Research Report – No-till vs Strip Till Discovering Production Answers on Your Farm, Keith Glewen, Extension Educator

You will be able to visit with representatives from seed, herbicide, fertilizer and equipment companies and view new farm equipment during a 30-minute break at 9:45 a.m.  Soy doughnuts will be cooked on site, and noon lunch will be served.

Registration is available the day of the expo at the door. For more information about the program or exhibitor information, call (800) 529-8030 or e-mail kglewen1@unl.edu.

This program is sponsored by UNL Extension in the university’s Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the Nebraska Soybean Board, Saunders County Soybean Growers Organization and private industry. There is no registration fee.  Program details at: http://go.unl.edu/q08a.  It looks to be an excellent program so I hope you’ll have an opportunity to attend.

In an effort to help stop hunger, the Saunders County Soybean Growers Organization requests that each participant donate one or more cans of nonperishable food to the food pantry.