Home Sports Football Huskie Football Records Win Over McCool at Homecoming

Huskie Football Records Win Over McCool at Homecoming [STATS] [PHOTOS]



The Huskie Football Team has definitely been on a roll this year, and a home game last Friday against McCool Junction was just another opportunity for them to continue their undefeated season. The Huskies beat the Mustangs 58-36 for the homecoming victory.

Heartland Statistics

Offense for Heartland – Rushing: 394 yards, Passing: 120 yards

J. Heinrichs: 24 carries, 146 yards, 1 TD
K. Camacho: 22 carries, 142 yards, 2 TD
T. Brown: 21 carries, 106 yards, 2 TD

J. Heinrichs: 5/7 for 72 yards
K. Camacho: 1/2 for 48 yards

C. Nickels: 1 catch, 48 yards
T. Brown: 2 catches, 34 yards, 2 TD
C. Kroeker: 2 catches, 28 yards, 1 TD
C. Siebert: 1 catch, 10 yards

Leading Tacklers: T. Brown 7, K. Camacho 5, T. Spickelmier 4, J. Heinrichs 2, Colton Siebert 2

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Photos courtesy of Deb Mierau