Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck

Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck [October 17, 2013]


Coming Events

  • Oct. 20, 2013 – 4-H Achievement Party, 5:00-6:00 p.m., 4-H Building, York, RSVP 402-362-5508 if attending
  • Oct. 21, 2013 – Extension Board Exec. Meeting, 8:00 p.m., Extension Office, York
  • Nov. 5, 2013 – Heuermann Lecture, 2:30 p.m., Cornhusker Hotel, Lincoln Nebraska

Heuermann Lectures 
I was unable to view the Heuermann Lecture from two weeks ago that Dr. Sally Mackenzie in person, but watched it on line at: http://heuermannlectures.unl.edu/2013-2014.  The presentation is titled “Beyond GMOs to a More Honest Dialogue about Our Food”.  This presentation provides great information and thought for future discussions.  I hope you will take time to view it.  Also mark your calendar for November 5th at 2:30p.m. at The Cornhusker in Lincoln for U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack.  He will be presenting, “Rural America:  New Markets, New Understanding, Unlimited Opportunity.”

Sorghum Board Seeks Applicants
I received word that the Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board is looking to fill an at-large seat on their board and are currently seeking applicants.  A sorghum producer will be elected by the Board to fill the vacancy at their next public meeting.

Sorghum growers interested in appointment to fill the open seat may place their name on a candidacy list by submitting to the Board a letter or statement of interest in serving on the Board, two letters of endorsement from grain sorghum growers, and documentation substantiating qualification to serve as a member of the Board.  Qualified candidates include those who are citizens of Nebraska, are at least 21 years of age, and derive a portion of their income from growing grain sorghum.

Letters or statements of interest should be received by the Board by Tuesday, November 5, 2013 and may be submitted by email at sorghum.board@nebraska.gov or by writing to the Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board, P.O. Box 94982, Lincoln, NE  68509.  For more information, contact the office of the Sorghum board at 402-471-4276.

Cropping Update
It’s great to see the combines rolling and the trucks moving.  Lots of grain has been harvest and a lot more needs to.

As I mentioned last week, we’ve harvested the York County RoundUp Ready Soybean Plot.  It averaged from 73 bushels/acre and did have some stem borer damage. I’m double checking all the data, but the York County RoundUp Ready Soybean Plot data should be posted soon to our website at: http://york.unl.edu/web/york/plotresults.

Pre-order Your 2014 Weed Guide Now
I just saw on the CropWatch website that for the first time, pre-orders are being taken for the UNL Extension Guide for Weed Management in Nebraska with Fungicide and Insecticide Information (EC130). Pre-orders will be taken until October 30 and copies will be shipped in early to mid-January.

This is a very popular publication that is updated annually.  We receive many request for this approximately 288-page, coil-bound guide.  It’s available in print ($10) or as a download ($10). Purchase both at the same time for $15. This comprehensive guide covers a range of pest management information for Nebraska crop production.

This opportunity was created in response to suggestions from readers and should be particularly beneficial to companies who were not always able to get as many copies as they wanted for their staff and clients throughout the year.  To order either the print or downloadable copy go to http://go.unl.edu/weedguide.  Every producer should have at least one copy of this publication.

Custom Rates Survey
One of our very popular publications is our Custom Rates Survey that’s updated every other year.  This year the survey plans to be mailed in January and good list of custom operators is vital to the success of the survey.  I don’t know all the custom operators in our area, so if you are a custom operator or if you use a custom operator, could you call (402-362-5508) or email me at gary.zoubek@unl.edu the name, address, and zip code, I’ll share this list with our Ag Economist doing the survey.  It’s not a long survey and only occurs every other year.  Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Farm Finance Clinics in October
Several one-on-one, confidential Farm Finance Clinics are held across each month.  An experienced ag law attorney and ag financial counselor will be available to address farm and ranch issues related to financial planning, estate and transition planning, farm loan programs, debtor/creditor law, water rights, and other relevant matters.

To sign up for a clinic or to get more information, call Michelle at the Nebraska Farm Hotline at 1-800-464-0258.  The Nebraska Department of Agriculture and Legal Aid of Nebraska sponsor these clinics.

Clinic Sites and Dates in our area include:

•Grand Island – Thursday, October 3

•Fairbury – Wednesday, October 9

•Norfolk – Wednesday, Septemer 16

•Norfolk – Thursday, October 31

Oak Twig Girdler


Each fall I receive questions about oaks that have some dead leaves in several locations, while the rest of the tree is green.  I’m guessing that the problem is oak twig girdler, Agrilus angelicus.  This pest has a two-year life cycle.  In our area, it prefers red oak, but also attacks live oaks and several introduced oaks. The small, slender, bronze-to-black beetles emerge from May to September and deposit eggs on twigs at the junction between the current and previous year’s growth. Larvae that hatch bore into twigs, and as they grow, they mine spirally so that terminal clusters of dead leaves (“flags”) appear during August and September.  During the next year, larvae continue to mine deeper into twigs and complete development, pupating in the autumn.

The damage is easily seen, but it is rarely severe, and there is no need for control efforts.