Home Events Wednesday Night Live to Begin at Henderson MB on September 11

Wednesday Night Live to Begin at Henderson MB on September 11


Henderson MB Church will begin their Wednesday Night Live year on September 11. Everyone is invited to join the Wednesday evening activities. Evenings begin with supper at the Praise Café, with the meal served from 6:00-6:30 p.m. Our kickoff supper is pizza!

At 6:45 p.m., children age 3-Grade 6 are invited to attend Primetime Live. Children will enjoy singing, Bible lessons, and games and activities each evening. At 7:00 p.m., our junior and senior high youth groups meet, as well as our adult Bible studies. The first evening, kids K-6th grades will collect food for the backpack program and watch a movie.

This year, CHAOS (Jr. High youth) will be led by Jeff & Lisa Kroeker and will be studying in the books of Philippians, Colossians, and 1 & 2 Thessalonians. They will kick off the year with an evening of fun games and activities at the church.

Reach (Sr. High youth) is again led by Craig & Christine Quiring and Bret & Laura Jost. They will be kicking off the year with a party on September 11 at the Quiring’s house (1613 Road D, Bradshaw) from 6:30-9:00. Supper will be walking tacos and there will be outdoor games and s’mores. They will be beginning the year studying from “Soul Surfer” and will kick off that study by watching the movie on Saturday, September 14, beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the MB Church.

Adults are all invited to visit the land of the Bible with a six week Chuck Swindoll DVD study to begin the year. Participants will gain fresh insight into real people and significant biblical events that impact our lives, even today.  Facilitated by Dean & Loretta Jost, this study is for any adults to join!

All regular activities conclude at 8:00 p.m. We invite you to come join us Wednesday evenings!