Home News Remember to Purchase Your Saltdogs Baseball Tickets

Remember to Purchase Your Saltdogs Baseball Tickets


This summer you have the opportunity to participate in Henderson Community Night at a Lincoln Saltdogs Game, Sunday, August 18, at Haymarket Park beginning at 2:00 p.m.

As a fun activity and a way to promote our community at a Lincoln Saltdogs Game, Henderson will be the spotlight community August 18. In order to participate in the promotion activities for our community, the Henderson Chamber of Commerce will be selling discounted tickets to the game from now until the event.

Seating for the Henderson section is on the third baseline as well as seats behind home plate. These tickets are a reduced price compared to the tickets sold at the gate making this a great opportunity for you and your family to see the action up close.

If you are interested in purchasing these tickets, contact the Chamber directly at (402) 723-4228.

Kelsey Bergen