Home News Heartland Heads Back to School Next Week

Heartland Heads Back to School Next Week


One week from today, Heartland students and faculty will fill the school again to begin the 2013-2014 school year. The first day, August 15, school will dismiss at 11:40 a.m., and the first full day will be Friday, August 16. Kindergartners will be attending for half days until September 3.

Two new teachers have been hired for this school year. Clark Ribble will be teaching Title 1 along with being the boys head basketball coach and the assistant volleyball coach. Sarah Mathewson will be the language arts/journalism teacher along with being the head volleyball coach and assistant girls basketball coach.

You can find the school calendar on the school’s website at: http://www.heartlandschools.org/

You can also stay up-to-date by following the school on social media:

If you haven’t grabbed your school supplies yet, here is the list:

One large book bag (easily zipped by the child); four #2, sharpened pencils; twistable colored; Fiskar scissors; classic color markers (box of 12); four jumbo glue sticks; two large boxes of Kleenex (250 count); one double sided pocket folder; three ring binder. 1.5 inch wide (white with clear cover); one large bottle of Germ-X; oversized paint shirt for art (labeled). Tami Peters: Don’t label items, they will be used by entire class. Sherry Thiesen: Do label all items with child’s name.

First Grade
Eight #2 sharpened pencils (shared); pencil top erasers and one large eraser (shared); Four Vis-à-vis overhead projector pens (per semester); four color fine tip expo dry erase markers; six jumbo glue sticks (per semester, shared); Fiskar scissors; small pencil box; one small box of crayons; Two four ounce white school glue; two large boxes of Kleenex (shared); one box of sharpened colored pencils (per semester); highlighter; one box of fine tip classic colored markers; one box of broad tip classic colored markers; three solid color pocket folders; three ring binder, 1.5 inch wide (white with clear cover); three holed pencil pouch; one 10 ounce bottle of Germ-X; one large box of soda crackers every other month (shared); water bottle with pop-up lid; one oversized shirt for art. Please label each item with child’s name except for the shared items.

Second Grade
Book bag; #2 pencils (no mechanical); large eraser; pencil-top erasers; four colored fine-tip dry erase markers (keep in package); two jumbo glue sticks; box of 24 crayons; three folders for loose paper; colored pencils (box of 10-12); two large boxes of Kleenex; scissors (Fiskars if possible); pencil box; one four ounce bottle of white school glue; one box of broad tip classic colored markers (keep in package); labeled P.E. shirt; one oversized paint shirt for art. Please label each item with child’s name.

Third Grade
Eight #2 pencils (no mechanical); two large boxes of Kleenex to share; large eraser and pencil top erasers; sharpened colored pencils; one box of fine-tip classic colored markers; one box of broad tip classic colored markers; two jumbo glue sticks; labeled P.E. shirt and shoes; Fiskar scissors; book bag; two spiral, college-ruled notebooks; 3×5 spiral memo notebook; small pencil box; two boxes of soda crackers to share; two packages of four dry erase markers (medium point); water bottle; one oversized paint shirt for art. No large three-ring notebooks of trapper keepers. Please label each item with your child’s name.

Fourth Grade
Pencils (two large packs to be shared by the class); erasers (pencil top and large); one pencil box; two large boxes of Kleenex; one box of fine-tip markers; one box of broad-tip markers; 24 crayons; two packages of four dry-erase markers; two jumbo glue sticks; scissors; colored pencils; three-ring binder with one inch spine, solid color with plastic slip cover on front; three-ring binder with ½ inch spine, solid color with plastic slip cover on front; eraser or sock for dry-erase board; highlighters; two packages of wide ruled, loose leaf paper; P.E. shirt and deodorant; oversized paint shirt for art. No mechanical pencils, pencil sharpeners or pens. Please label each item with child’s name.

Fifth Grade
Pencils; big pink eraser; one glue stick; two pens; two boxes of colored pencils; scissors (optional); box of 12 markers; six folders with inside pockets; two large boxes of Kleenex; labeled P.E. shoes, shirt and deodorant; four highlighters; box of 12 crayons; calculator (optional); one package of four Expo dry erase markers; two packages of loose leaf paper, wide ruled; four composition notebooks; one oversized paint shirt for art. Please label each item with child’s name.

Sixth Grade
Pencils; six double pocket folders; one box of colored pencils (optional); one highlighter; one package of 3×5 cards; three red pens; large box of Kleenex; seven spiral notebooks; three ring binder (optional to put folders in); one glue stick; calculator; scissors; labeled P.E. shoes, shirt and deodorant; four Expo dry erase markers; one dry-erase eraser; one black sharpie; one oversized paint shirt for art. Please label each item with your child’s name.

Jr. High
Pencils; pens (blue or black); two red pens; one set of markers; highlighters; one box of colored pencils; four dry-erase markers; dry erase eraser or sock; sketch book for art; 4×6 lined index cards; two boxes of Kleenex; scientific calculator (will not be provided); stop watch (optional); pocket folder for each class (7); three composition books for science, math and English; paper/notebook for each class (at least one spiral for current events).