Home News Cheryl Brown Receives ACHCA Facility Leadership Award

Cheryl Brown Receives ACHCA Facility Leadership Award

cheryl brown
Cheryl Brown

The American College of Health Care Administrators (ACHCA), in Alexandria, VA, honored Cheryl Brown, Administrator of Henderson Care Center/Henderson Health Care with the 2013 ACHCA Facility Leadership Award. ACHCA firmly believes that facility excellence is a reflection of leadership excellence. The leadership award was celebrated during the awards luncheon at ACHCA’s 47th Annual Convocation and Exposition in Orlando, Florida, on Saturday, April 13, 2013. Two hundred five were awarded leadership awards nationally, 25 of which were at the awards banquet.

Ms. Brown was one of 205 recipients who received the Facility Leadership Award with virtual recognition. The prestigious Facility Leadership Award is made possible with the support of eHealth Data Solutions. The areas of excellence the facility exhibits includes three years of performance on the Health Survey, Fire (Life Safety) Survey, Complaint Surveys, and improvement in the last two quarters of the reported Quality Measures. The same administrator must have filled the role the entire award year.

Founded in 1962, ACHCA is the only professional association devoted solely to meeting the professional needs of today’s long term care administrators and executives. Focusing on advancing leadership excellence, ACHCA provides professional education and certification to administrators from across the spectrum of long term care. For more information about ACHCA, contact the national office at (202) 536-5120 or visit www.acha.org.