Home Events Come Join the Fun: A Trike-a-Thon!

Come Join the Fun: A Trike-a-Thon!



Bethesda Preschool (Bethesda Mennonite Church) is hosting a trike-a-thon for community children ages 2-6. The event will be held at the Bethesda parking lot on Sunday, April 14, from 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Children are invited to bring their trikes/little bikes and participate in this free event which will include funny laps, sidewalk chalk, a bike wash station, a hamburger/hot dog meal for purchase, and more. Decorate your trike/bike to win prizes!

Raffle tickets will be sold for a chance to win items such as bikes, scooters, helmets, and more.  All children participating receive a free water bottle.  T-shirts are available for $10.00 by calling Tara at 723-4318 by April 1 with your child’s size.  The purpose of the trike-a-thon is to raise money for Bethesda Preschool’s new playground as well as provide a fun event for our younger community children.