Home Living Health REMINDER: HHC Health Fair February 11-16

REMINDER: HHC Health Fair February 11-16


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Henderson Health Care will be hosting our 2013 Health Fair every day, February 11-16 at the Henderson Clinic and Sutton Family Practice. Blood draws will begin at 7:00 a.m. and last until 8:30 a.m. each day.

Tests available include: Chemistry Profile, $30; Prostate Specific Antigen, $20; and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Test, $20. All tests must be paid for at the time of service: charges will not be submitted to insurance.

These tests can provide early detection for numerous health problems such as anemia and other blood disorders, elevated blood sugars, high cholesterol, thyroid problems, and electrolyte abnormalities.

You should not eat or drink anything but water after midnight prior to having blood drawn.

Many insurance companies do not cover lab screenings so this is a great opportunity to save money on these screenings.

For more information about this Health Fair contact Jill Myers at (402) 723-4512 ext 220.