Home News Heartland FBLA Members Win Awards

Heartland FBLA Members Win Awards [PHOTOS]

Heartland FBLA members at the Peru State College Business Competition.
Heartland FBLA members at the Peru State College Business Competition.

Heartland FBLA members won many awards at the Peru State College Business Competition on February 13 and the UNK Business Competition on February 19.  These two business competitions give Heartland FBLA members the opportunity to take practice tests to prepare for the State Leadership Conference held in Omaha on April 4-6.

Heartland FBLA members earned nine first place awards, four second place awards, three third place awards, four fourth place awards, three fifth place awards, and one sixth place award for a total of 24 awards.

Individual results for the two competitions are as follows:


Ashley Quiring

1st Economics, 1st Entrepreneurship, and 1st Marketing (Peru)

1st Marketing, 1st Personal Money Management, and 2nd Economics (UNK)


Allison Braun

1st Business Law (UNK)

5th Business Communications (Peru)


Colton Siebert

1st Accounting I and 2nd Keyboarding II Production (UNK)

3rd Accounting and 4th Business Math (Peru)

Gina Grady

3rd Business Law and 6th Spelling (UNK)

Kaitlyn Quiring

4th Keyboarding II Production (UNK)


Haley Huebert

1st Introduction to Business and 4th Keyboarding I Objective (Peru)

4th Filing and 5th General Business (UNK)

McKenna Friesen

1st Keyboarding I Production (UNK)

Camryn Dick

2nd Keyboarding I Speed and 2nd Keyboarding I Production (UNK)

5th Keyboarding I Skills (Peru)

Rebekah Larson

3rd Keyboarding I Speed (UNK)

Heartland FBLA members at the UNK Business Competition.


Article and photos courtesy of Kristy Most