Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck

Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck [January 3, 2013]


Coming Events

  • Jan. 8 – Crop Production Clinic, Adams Co. Fairgrounds, Hastings http://cpc.unl.edu
  • Jan. 10 – Landlord/Tenant Cash Lease Workshop, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., Seward Fairgrounds, Harvest Hall, To register, call 402-643-2981 or email seward-county@unl.edu
  • Jan. 15 – Private Pesticide Training 9:00 a.m., Osceola, Fairgrounds
  • Jan. 15 – Private Pesticide Training 1:30 p.m., Aurora 4-H Building
  • Jan. 16 – Crop Production Clinic, York Auditorium, http://cpc.unl.edu
  • Jan. 17 – Hamilton and Merrick Co. Ag Days
  • Jan. 21 – Private Pesticide Training 9:00 a.m., Sutton Legion
  • Jan. 22 – Private Pesticide Training 1:30 p.m., York 4-H Building
  • Jan. 22 – Nebraska Farmers and Ranchers – Cow Calf College, 9:30 a.m., Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, NE  dlienemann2@unl.edu
  • Jan. 23 – 2013 Sorghum Profitability Seminar, 9:00 a.m., Jefferson Co. Fairgrounds, Fairbury
  • Jan. 28 – Private Pesticide Training 9:00 a.m., Clay Co. Fairgrounds
  • Feb. 8 – Private Pesticide Training 9:00 a.m., York 4-H Building

Happy New Years!
I’d like to wish you and your families a “Happy New Year!” We look forward to delivering educational programs of importance to all area residents!  Contact our office for agriculture, gardening, rural development, and 4-H program information, to name a few!  Our website is http://york.unl.edu, and we’ll try and keep it up to date with upcoming programs and educational opportunities.

Historic Weather Data
As I prepare this column, December is nearly over!  Our total precipitation for the year is now at 18.01” compared to our 92 year average of 26.91”.  Typically we only receive 1.42” of moisture in January and February combined, so hopefully we’ll have a wet March with either heavy wet snows or plenty or rain so it can soak in to refill the profile!

Chemigation and Private Pesticide Applicator Certification Dates Set
I’ve set dates for both the chemigation and private applicator training for the coming year.  Has your certification expired for either of these programs?  Now is the time to check the card that’s in your billfold to know for sure.  If it is expiring this year, you should be receiving a letter about upcoming training dates, but if it has been expired, you won’t receive any letter.  You have multiple methods to take these classes that include in person, home study, or online.  If you attend the Crop Production Clinic, planned for here in York on January 16, you can be certified for the Private Applicator Permit at the same time.

My calendar has a list of upcoming dates that I have planned for both chemigation and pesticide applicator training.  You can get a listing of statewide training dates and check on the status of your license at:  http://pested.unl.edu/ or by contacting our office.

For chemigation training dates, go to:  http://water.unl.edu/web/cropswater/chemigation.  From this location you can click on the NDEQ link to check on the status of your chemigation license.  I have training dates set for March 11 and April 11 from 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. at the 4-H Building here in York.

If you plan to become certified, please contact the Extension Office to pre-register for the training session you plan to attend.  Review of study materials prior to the training session is encouraged.  If you have misplaced your chemigation notebook, you may request materials from one of the instructors at the bottom of this page.  All class participants will receive a new chemigation manual and calibration workbook the day of training.  Individuals attending for the first time are encouraged to request training materials prior to training.  Our phone number is 402-362-5508 or you can email me at gary.zoubek@unl.edu.

Horticulture Webinars and Master Gardener Training Planned
The Nebraska Master Gardener program extends the outreach of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) by providing volunteers with research-based horticulture education, which prepares them to share their knowledge with the citizens of the state.

I’m looking to have several excellent Master Gardeners that assist with training programs, leading 4-H clubs, helping with the Little Diggers, as well as helping during the York County Fair.  As we near the end of 2012, five Master Gardeners have reported volunteering nearly 300 hours of community service, and that’s half of the Master Gardeners that we have in our area.

To check out the latest horticulture information available check out our websites at:  http://environment.unl.edu/.  This link has info about Backyard Farmer, Acreage Insights, Turfgrass Science, Horticulture Updates as well as the Master Gardener program.

We will again be hosting Master Gardener Training that will be open to the interested public on Tuesday evenings from February 12, 2013 to March 19, 2013.  The sessions will run from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. each evening.  We’ve got some great topics this year.

Topics this year are:

Feb. 12 – Adapted/Native Plants – Steve Rodie & Kim Todd

Feb. 19 – Drought Recovery & Water Wise Landscape Practices – John Fech & Laurie Stepanek

Feb. 26 – Soil and Soil Management – Brad Jakubowski

March 5 – Lawn Disease and Insect Control – Amy Timmerman and Jim Kalisch

March 12 – Extension Master Gardener Orientation and Container Gardening – Terri James

March 19 – Household Insects and Bedbugs – Barb Ogg

Cost for initial training to become a Master Gardener is $100 for training, notebook, and other materials.  Cost for Master Gardeners to attend the series is $5.00.  Cost for the general public is $5.00/session or $15.00 for the series.  For more information about the Master Gardner program, these training sessions, or to register, go to: http://york.unl.edu/water-environment.  You can also email me at gary.zoubek@unl.edu or call at 402-362-5508.