Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck

Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck [January 17, 2013]


Coming Events

  • Jan. 15 – Private Pesticide Training, 9:00 a.m., Osceola Fairgrounds
  • Jan. 15 – Private Pesticide Training, 1:30 p.m., Aurora 4-H Building
  • Jan. 16 – Crop Production Clinic, York Auditorium, http://cpc.unl.edu
  • Jan. 17 – Hamilton and Merrick Co. Ag Days
  • Jan. 22 – Private Pesticide Training, 1:30 p.m.,York 4-H Building
  • Jan. 22 – Business Transition Workshop, 1:00 p.m., Harvest Hall, Seward Co. Fairgrounds
  • Jan. 22 – Nebraska Farmers and Ranchers – Cow Calf College, 9:30 a.m., Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, NE  dlienemann2@unl.edu
  • Jan. 28 – Extension Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Extension Office, York
  • Jan. 31 –Soybean Management Field Day Research Update, Noon- 3:00 p.m., Wunderlich’s Catering, Columbus, 304 23rd St., Columbus (on Highway 30), 402-563-4901
  • Jan. 31 –Soybean Management Field Day Research Update, 6:00- 9:00 p.m., Hruska Memorial Public Library, David City, 399 Fifth St., 402-367-7410
  • Feb. 8 – Private Pesticide Training, 9:00 a.m., York 4-H Building
  • Feb. 11 – Nebraska On-Farm Research Update, 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m., UNL’s ARDC near Mead
  • Feb. 12 – Nebraska On-Farm Research Update, 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m., 4-H Building, York

Heuremann Lecture Planned
I’d like area producers to consider attending the Heuremann Lecture planned for 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 15, in the Hardin Hall auditorium located at 33rd and Holdrege, or view it on-line.  The presenter will be Dr. Temple Grandin, a world leader in understanding livestock behavior and designing livestock handling facilities.

Vice Chancellor Ronnie Green will be hosting a conversation with Dr. Grandin around the topic of “Improving Animal Welfare and Communication with the Public.”  An animal sciences professor at Colorado State University, Grandin is the author of numerous articles and several books.  Her “Animals in Translation” was a New York Times bestseller, while “Livestock Handling and Transport” is in its third edition.

To learn more or view the lectures go to: http://heuermannlectures.unl.edu/

Crop Production Clinics Planned
Crop Production Clinics began last week and the sessions look great!  We will be hosting one this Wednesday here in York at the City Auditorium on January 16.

The Crop Production Clinics will feature presentations on soil fertility, soil water and irrigation management, crop production, agricultural business management and policy, pesticide safety and disease, and insect and weed pest management.  Topics are tailored to meet the needs of cropping systems in different parts of the state and vary by location.

If you’re a Commercial & Noncommercial Pesticide Applicator these clinics will be a primary venue for you to renew your license in any the following categories: Ag Plant (01), Regulatory (REG) and Demonstration/Research (D/R).  If your Private Pesticide Applicators license expires, you can also renew your license.

Do you want to save a few dollars?  Register online and save $10.00.  Registering the day of the event will be $10.00 more.  Go to this website: http://cpc.unl.edu/ and click on the program link for the various sites to see the sessions.  Click on the registration link to pay by credit card or by check.  You can then mail the check or bring the check to the clinic.

Hamilton & Merrick Ag Day Programs Planned
I’d like to remind area producers that the Hamilton and Merrick Ag Days will be held Thursday, January 17, in Aurora and Central City.  The programs were coordinated so that speakers could present at both sessions.  The program starts at 8:30 a.m. at the Ag Auditorium on the Hamilton County Fairgrounds and at 9:15 a.m. on the Ag Auditorium on the Merrick County Fairgrounds.

Topics will include:

Cash Leasing/Farm Bill Updates – Tim Lemmons

Soil Water Monitoring – Gary Zoubek

Corn Stalk Grazing/Residue – Aaron Stalker

Ensuring Efficient Center Pivot Irrigation – Bill Kranz

Foliar fungicide Timing & Seed Treatments – Tamra Jackson

On-Farm Goss’s Wilt Research – Jenny Rees

Cover Crops Research Update – Mark Hinze

La Nina Weather Forecasting/Sunlight Availability – Al Dutcher

On-Farm Research Team Building – Todd Whitney

Lunch will be provided as well as door prizes.  Hopefully we’ll see you at one or the other of these two Ag Days!  It will be a great opportunity for you to meet our newest UNL Extension Educator Todd Whitney!  Welcome aboard Todd!

Soybean Management Field Day Research Updates Planned
If you look at my list of coming events, you’ll see the dates, times, and locations for these updates in our region.  This past season marked the second year of replicated field research conducted at the Soybean Management Field Day sites.  The Soybean Management Field Day Research Update sessions will provide the latest information and yield results gathered from on-farm field day locations.

Arrangements were made with four soybean producers to plant seven replicated trials on each of their center pivot irrigated fields.  The University of Nebraska faculty will share and discuss yield results at each of the research update locations.  A complimentary meal is included.  To RSVP or for more information, contact the Nebraska Soybean Board at (800)852-BEAN, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension at (800)529-8030, or the respective host county extension office at the number listed above.

Research Update topics include:

Quest for the Holy Grail in Soybean Production (Row spacing/seed rate, fungicides; plant populations/planting date and maturity group interactions)

• Charles Shapiro, UNL Soils Scientist – CropNutrition

• Evan Sonderegger, UNL Graduate Student

• Jim Specht, UNL Professor of Agronomy

Soybean Seed Treatments and Foliar Fungicides and Growth Enhancement Interactions with Herbicides

• Loren Giesler, UNL Extension Plant Pathologist

• Michael Rethwisch, UNL Extension Educator

Herbicide – Carrier Rate Study

• Lowell Sandell, UNL Weed Science ExtensionEducator

• Cody Creech, UNL Graduate Student

• Greg Kruger, UNL Extension Cropping System Specialist

It looks like a great program and hope you’ll have a chance to attend.

Farm Estate and Transition Planning Workshops
If you’ll check out my list of coming events, you’ll see a couple related to Business or Farm Transition.  One is planned for January 22 in Seward beginning at 1:00 p.m. and going to 4:00 p.m.  The other is planned for February 5 at the ARDC near Mead beginning at 9:00 a.m. and going to 3:30 p.m.  They should be excellent workshops.  Information about these two workshops can be found at:  http://ardc.unl.edu/ and http://seward.unl.edu/.  I think they should both be excellent sessions for those interested.  There is no cost, but be sure to register so that adequate materials will be available.

Once details come for the session we’re planning for here in York, I’ll share them with you in my future columns!