Home Living Health Advance Directives Informational Meeting

Advance Directives Informational Meeting


Henderson Health Care would like to invite you to an informational talk on advance directives on Wednesday, December 12, in the Care Center Chapel at 3:00 p.m.

An advance directive is a document expressing a person’s wishes about critical care when he or she is unable to decide for him or herself. However, it does not authorize anyone to act on a person’s behalf or make decisions the way a power of attorney would.

With an advance directive, individuals have the power to make future decisions about their own critical care without outside influence. A person who wishes or does not wish to be placed upon life support can create an advance directive that will be followed by hospital staff should the person become incapacitated.

Brooke Reilly from Asera Care Hospice will be available for explanations and questions. A snack will be served.