Home News Henderson City Council Minutes September 2012

Henderson City Council Minutes September 2012


Minutes of Meeting of Mayor and City Council

The regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Henderson, Nebraska was held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 11, 2012 at City Hall in Henderson, Nebraska. Notice of this meeting was posted at the City Hall, Post Office, and published in the September 6, 2012 Henderson News.

Mayor Ken Bergen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Bergen declared the meeting to be legal and properly advertised with all members having been informed of the nature of the meeting and have received related information. Mayor Bergen also referred to the open meetings law poster at the back of the council chambers.

Roll call showed the following present: Mayor Ken Bergen. Council members: Mike Wall, Scott Erb, and Jim Mestl. Absent: Lee Thiessen. Also present was the chief of police.

Minutes from the August 14 and 28, 2012 meetings were reviewed. Mike Wall made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Jim Mestl seconded. Roll vote: Ayes- Mike Wall, Jim Mestl, and Scott Erb. Absent: Lee Thiessen. Motion carried.

Claims were reviewed. Jim Mestl made a motion to approve the claims as presented. Mike wall seconded. Roll vote: Ayes- Jim Mestl, Mike Wall, and Scott Erb. Absent: Lee Thiessen. Motion carried.

One building permit was issued.

The drainage ditch at the end of 12th Street was discussed. The council is wiling to work with the property owner at 1250 12th Street after construction to the property is done. No formal action taken.

After reviewing the agreement with the United Private Networks, it was decided there needed to be stricter restrictions to the agreement. No formal action taken.

At 9:09 p.m. Jim Mestl made a motion to go into executive session to discuss wages. Scott Erb seconded. Roll vote: Ayes- Jim Mestl, Scott Erb, and Mike Wall. Absent: Lee Thiessen. Motion carried.

At 9:21 p.m. Mike Wall made a motion to reconvene into regular session. Jim Mestl seconded. Roll vote: Ayes- Mike Wall, Jim Mestel, and Scott Erb. Absent Lee Thiessen. Motion carried.

Reports were given. No formal action taken.

Mike Wall made a motion to approve the salaries as presented in the budget. Scott Erb seconded. Roll vote: Ayes- Mike Wall, Scott Erb, and Jim Mestl. Absent: Lee Thiessen. Motion carried.

Mike Wall made a motion to adjourn. Jim Mestl seconded. Roll vote: Ayes- Mike Wall, Jim Mestl, and Scott Erb.  Absent: Lee Thiessen. Motion carried.

Connie Brown, City Clerk