Home School HeartlandBeat Student of the Month – October 2012

HeartlandBeat Student of the Month – October 2012

Photo courtesy of trinjensen photography

Senior Emily Ott has been named the October Heartland Beat Student of the Month.  She recently received the NSAA Believers and Achievers Award sponsored by U.S. Bank.  It is a state-wide program that gives recognition to Nebraska’s future leaders.  Heartland nominated Ott as its sole representative in the applicant process that looks for students who show a commitment to good citizenship and community and school involvement.  Only 48 students across the state were chosen, and she will be recognized at the Class A State Football game on Monday, November 19, at Memorial Stadium.

Ott is very deserving of this award, and it is evident by her heavy involvement not only in school but her community and church.  She has served as an officer in several school organizations such as Art Club, FFA, FCA, and she is currently the president of Heartland’s National Honor Society.  As a sophomore, she attended Nebraska Leadership Seminar, and as a junior she was selected for Nebraska Girl’s State.  She has also been involved in volleyball, track, and most recently went out for golf this fall for the first time.  “We had an awesome team and even though I was a beginner, I really improved from where I started,” said Ott about her golf season.

Music and drama have also been a big part of Ott’s high school career.  She served as drum major for the band during marching season and plays the trumpet.  She is in choir and a member of several small groups and ensembles.  “During District Music Contest it gets really crazy between band and choir!” said Ott.  This year, she is working as a Teacher’s Assistant  in the music department one period a day.  She is already practicing in the One Act Play, “Be Careful What You Wish For” and is playing the role of one of the master wish givers.  She also plans on trying out for the upcoming musical after the first of the year.

Ott enjoys living in the country on the family farm with her parents Glen and Tammy Ott.  She has spent her summers helping her dad on the farm and was involved in showing cattle in 4-H.  Her future plans are to attend college and she is leaning towards Nebraska Wesleyan University in Lincoln.  Congratulations to Emily Ott for her many achievements and being named the Heartland Beat Student of the Month!

Shannon Siebert