Home News Business Henderson Investment Group Exploring the Possibility of Purchasing the Local Grocery Store

Henderson Investment Group Exploring the Possibility of Purchasing the Local Grocery Store


A group of Henderson individuals is exploring the possibility of purchasing the local grocery store. Gary and Brenda Bennett have been wanting to sell the store for the past several months. Their plans are to close by the end of 2012 if they can’t sell the store. Realizing the importance of keeping a grocery store in Henderson, the local Investment group is looking into the idea of purchasing the store. They are currently interested in finding someone who could manage it, if they purchased it, and are also looking for persons willing to invest in the store. Their ultimate goal is to find someone to purchase it if possible. If you or someone you know would either be interested in managing the store or investing in the store, please contact Steve Michael at Henderson State Bank or Jim Mestl at Cornerstone Bank.