Home Events Galaway Creek Open House

Galaway Creek Open House


Once upon a time (thirty years ago) there were a bunch of dreamers in Henderson who decided they wanted a golf course in town. Lots of discussion, decisions, and digging later, that course became a reality. By looking at the pictures of those early days, it is hard to envision today’s course. Nonetheless, this little course has been praised all summer by golfers from far and wide as one of the best of its size that they have played. The dream came true.

At the end of this season, Galaway Creek Golf Course (formerly Henderson Municipal Golf Course) will be ending its 30th year. An open house and some activities are in the works to make it a celebration. Beginning at 1:00 p.m. there will be cookies and beverages, cart rides or walking on the course to enjoy the upkeep and changes, and a contest for prizes on the driving range. These are among the plans for the afternoon. At 2:00 p.m. green fees will be only $5.00. Those who don’t golf can enjoy looking over the display of pictures from years past. Posters with more details will be appearing around town soon.

Mark your calendar for Sunday, September 30, and plan to spend some time enjoying one of Henderson’s best kept secrets.