Home News Henderson Heritage & Tourism Anticipation Builds for Heritage Day

Anticipation Builds for Heritage Day


The Cider press will be back in action this year at the annual Heritage Day, Saturday, September 15.  Ron and Linda Goertzen will be running the cider press, but apples are needed.  Please bring them to the Heritage Park on Friday, September 14.  There is also plenty of fun planned for the kids this year.  Country School will be in session in the morning complete with old fashion dress-up clothes, chalk board lessons, raising of the flag,  reciting of the pledge of allegiance in the school yard, and vintage games during recess.  Horse drawn wagon rides will be available all day around the park.

The stationary baling machine will be fired up by Roger Siebert with demonstrations taking place throughout the day.  Roger Quaintance will be demonstrating the art of old fashioned blacksmithing over an open fire. A variety of sewing demonstrations will take place all day in the Immigrant House by local women.  Corinna Siebert Ruth, who was raised in Henderson, will be in the General Store signing her newly released book, “The Tread of Pioneers.”  This historical fiction book brings to life the story of the Mennonites who emigrated from Russia to Nebraska.

These are just a few of the highlights of activities planned for the day.  For more information, please contact LaVonne Thiessen at 402-723-4559.