Home News Heritage Park Pew Project at Heritage Park Update

Pew Project at Heritage Park Update


The pew project for the new Country Mennonite Church at the Heritage Park is nearly completed.  Volunteers Alfred Epp, Carl Siebert, Harvey Smith and are assembling the ten pews that will be placed in the church.  There are only three pews remaining and can be purchased for $500.  Seven have already been sold to families that will have a permanent plaque placed on the pew with their family name.

The pinewood 8 foot long pews were cut out by Mike Wall at Custom Wood Products and are being assembled at the park where they will be painted and placed in the church when finished.  Contact LaVonne Thiessen at 402-723-4559 if you are interested in reserving your family pew.  All contributions to Henderson Heritage & Tourism are tax deductible.Mark your calendar for the next upcoming event at the Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park:



9 AM – 2 PM