Home News Editorial If You Build It, They Will Come

If You Build It, They Will Come [EDITORIAL]


Shannon Siebert President Henderson Heritage & Tourism

“If you build it, they will come” certainly applies to what has been happening at the Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park this season. It’s been a record busting season at the park with more visitors than we’ve ever seen before. For the many volunteers who have worked hard for several years see their dream come true at the park is very rewarding and exciting.

A man who was visiting with the Germans from Russia group from Lincoln earlier this summer made a comment that I found surprising. He told our volunteers that he had visited museums all over the country and said that the quality of our collections and displays were some of the best he’d ever seen. Wow! That was a great compliment and reminder not to take our Heritage Park for granted and that our preservation work is worthy.

As early as March this season we had visitors to the park and have had numerous bus groups, school children and organizations tour the park. We’ve also had some interesting and surprising visits by individuals who happened to be traveling through the area and accidentally found the park. Just imagine if we had signage on the Interstate or interchange and how that could attract even more visitors!

We are very excited to finally share the newly completed Country Mennonite Church that will be open for viewing during Community Days weekend. Please help support the park by coming out Saturday for our annual Pancake Feed at the Epp barn which will be held from 6 A.M. to 9:30 A.M. This is one of our fundraisers that help keep the park going so a free will offering would be appreciated. The ground has been broken for the upcoming Community Day’s Siphon Tube Contest that also will be held at the park on Saturday at 2 P.M.

Exciting stuff with more to come for the remainder of celebrating Henderson’s Q125! Henderson Heritage & Tourism is proud to play a part in this important celebration honoring our past.