Home News Mountain Lion Sightings South of Henderson

Mountain Lion Sightings South of Henderson


It’s not everyday you see a mountain lion during your morning workout but for some local residents of Henderson this morning’s workout will be forever remembered.

Nora Ohrt was riding her road bike this morning around 7:00 a.m. on the Lushton Road 1/4 mile west of Road E when a mountain lion jetted across the road right in front of her. Ohrt said “I thought it was deer at first but then I saw a long tail and thought that it couldn’t be a deer.”

The very ironic part was Ohrt was not the only one to see a mountain lion this morning on her workout. Jaime Oswald and Sarah Goertzen were out for a run this morning when they also spotted a mountain lion a couple miles southwest of Henderson.

Thankfully these women were not injured and were able to share so others know and have been warned in the area.

If you or anyone you know has another sighting send us an email at news@heartlandbeat.com and we will be sure to warn others.