Home News Galaway Creek Golf Course Tree Project

Galaway Creek Golf Course Tree Project [PHOTOS]


Although many golfers would probably love a course without trees, that would remove the challenge not to mention the opportunity to enjoy the scenery along the course.

At the close of last year’s golf season, Henderson Golf Association members recognized a need to replace and increase the tree population at Galaway Creek Golf Course. A number of trees had succumbed to disease or weather or age. It was time to address that issue and add trees in a couple of areas. These trees would not only benefit golfers but also those who walk the roads at the course’s edge.

In October of 2011, Association President Brian Hiebner applied for a grant from the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum from the 2012 Trees for Nebraska Towns (TNT) program. This grant required matching funds along with other specifications. Matching funds materialized through private and corporate donations. HGA arranged to meet the rest of the specifications. Grant of $3200 awarded! That easy, well not exactly, but the project was approved in December.

The total of $6400 dollars, half from matching funds and half from TNT, set the process in motion. In the spring of 2012, over 60 hours of volunteer labor was devoted to planting and nurturing the trees that were planted along the south and west edges of the course. These trees range from oak to maple to viburnum. The planners also included several varieties of pine / spruce trees to reflect the pine beetle damage that had occurred. The new trees add to the course landscape and will be a pleasing view for anyone traveling the roads on those sides of the course.

The funds from the TNT are in, the trees continue to thrive, and Henderson completes another project because of the town pride and volunteer spirit for which this community is known. A final inspection will take place before the end of the summer.

Pictures do not do justice to the project, so come walk the course or play a round and enjoy the view. No golf course is complete without the joy and challenge of its trees.