Home News Alumni Banquet Tickets On Sale Until June 30th

Alumni Banquet Tickets On Sale Until June 30th


Just a friendly reminder to those planning to attend the Henderson/Heartland All School Alumni Banquet you need to have your tickets purchased before June 30th.

The banquet is set for July 14th starting at 6:00pm at Heartland Community School in Henderson. Tickets are $20 per person and include a catered Chances R’ meal, live entertainment, music and all the laughing and fun you can handle. We would also like to extend a special invitation to all former and current staff and faculty of Henderson and Heartland School.

You can purchase your tickets online at http://hendersonalumnibanquet2012.eventbrite.com/ or by picking them up at the Henderson City Hall/Chamber offices.

Whether online or at the City Hall, purchase your tickets today!