Home News Zumbathon Coming to Henderson!

Zumbathon Coming to Henderson!

What could be better than getting a really FUN work-out and raising money for a very important cause all at the same time??
On Thursday, May 31st the Henderson Relay for Life team will be sponsoring a Zumbathon to raise money for the American Cancer Society.  The event will take place in the north “new” gym at Heartland Community Schools from 8:00p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Participants will make a $20 minimum donation to the American Cancer Society.  Healthy snacks and water refills (bring your own bottle) will be available.  There will be drawings for small prizes every quarter hour! 
This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone who would like to try out Zumba for the very first time.  Zumba is an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie burning fitness party!  Joni Huebert, a certified Zumba instructor, and several other certified instructors will be leading the fun!
There is no pre-registration required just show up and plan to have a great time!  Registration desk will open at 7:30 p.m.