Home News Paul Siebert Performing at Farmers’ Valley Memorial Service

Paul Siebert Performing at Farmers’ Valley Memorial Service


Celebrating Memorial Day has been a tradition for over 100 years at Farmers’ Valley Cemetery and this year, Paul Siebert will be a part of the celebration.  On Monday, May 28th, Paul will be performing prior to the memorial service which begins at 12:00 noon.  Farmers’ Valley is the last stop for Aurora’s American Legion and at the conclusion of the service they will present a 21-gun salute, honoring the many Civil War veterans buried at the cemetery.  A potluck will follow the service.

A day at Farmers’ Valley can be a day to walk amongst the stones, listen to stories of the earliest pioneers, and learn about our local history.  Just drive west of the town of Henderson and turn south on “Y” Road.  After crossing the Big Blue River, turn west on Farmers’ Valley Road, which will lead to the cemetery. Everyone is welcome to bring a card table, chairs, and some home cooking to share.  Electricity is available for hot food.

At the conclusion of the meal, the cemetery board will be having a board meeting, and everyone who has an interest in the cemetery is invited to stay for the meeting.  Please come and see the improvements made and view the new section next to the Big Blue River where plots are available for purchase.

Suzanne Ratzlaff