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Bradshaw Events and News [May 2012]


Recap of the Bradshaw Beat for May, 2012:

  • Bradshaw Alumni Banquet set for Saturday, May 26.  The Community Center will open at 4pm with social hour from 5-6pm (no open bar; BYOB).  Dinner is set for 6pm and is $19.  Reservations are necessary: contact Trish Collister PO Box 116, Dwight NE, 68635.
  • A big thanks for those who donated for the flags on the poles around town: Dave Hansen, Bob Goodridge, Terrence Werth, Progressive Ag Partners and The Village.
  • Members of the Bradshaw Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 1450 and its Auxiliary will be distributing Buddy Poppies for a donation.  They also have donation boxes at the businesses around Bradshaw during May.
  • Help Wanted: anyone who enjoys looking after flowers.  The barrels of Lincoln Street and the mini-park beside the post office need tending to as the summer continues.  Let the office or a board member know if you are interested.  Call 402-736-4634.
  • Thank you to the Heartland Junior High and National Honor Society for painting house numbers on the street curbs in Bradshaw in April.  This is so important in case of fire calls.