Home Sports Elementary Students Get a Taste of Track

Elementary Students Get a Taste of Track [PHOTOS]


Track season is here.  The junior and senior high students are in full swing and working out daily on the track.

However, on March 28th and 29th, the elementary students even got their turn on the track.  Head Track Coach, Larry Vancura and his coaching staff held a free track clinic for any elementary student that wished to participate.

Vancura, with help from his assistant coaches and the senior high track team, demonstrated proper running form, warm-up routines to prepare your muscles, long jump, softball throw, relay handoffs and much, much more.

The clinic was knowledge building for the students and also fun.  The kids were able to get a good workout both days and also enjoyed learning from the high school track team.  They even got to play tug-of-war and enjoy popsicles at the end of the days!

This was a great opportunity to promote the track program and encourage the younger students of Heartland to get excited about their upcoming track opportunities.

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