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Bradshaw Events and News [April 2012]


Here are the upcoming events and news for the Bradshaw community:

  • VFW Auxiliary meeting on Monday, April 16th at 1:30pm in the Community Center meeting room.  A collection willb e taken for cancer aid and research.  The Grand Island Veterans Home is in need of large print word search books, prepaid phone cards, forever stamps, gift cards to walmart and large cover-up bibs.  Members are asked to being one or more items to the April meeting and any others interested in helping can contact Elaine Vaught.
  • School Buildings sold at public auction Tuesday, March 22nd.  Winning bid of $40,000 came from Dale and Marilyn Ratzlaff.
  • Bradshaw Alumni Banquet will be held Saturday, May 26th and the Community Center.  Doors will open at 4pm with a social bar (BYOB) from 5:00pm-6:00pm.  Dinner will be at 6:00pm and cost is $19.  Reservations necessary; contact Trish Collister: PO Box 116, Dwight NE  68635.
  • If you wish to donate towards the patriotic flags flown on the utility poles of the town and highway, the cost at Wagner Decorating in York is $16 for a 3′ x 5′ flag.  Either donate the money or purchase the flag whoever you wish and the village will be happy to fly your flag proudly.
  • Volunteers are needed to keep the mini-park beautiful this summer.  Let the village know if you are willing. (Village pays for plants).  Thank you to Bonnie Wilson for doing this in the past; job well done!
  • Unfortunately the poinsettias on the veteran’s memorial in the village park were removed this winter.  They can be returned to Elaine Vaught who cares for the war memorial.  Let’s work together to preserve and not harm this worthy remembrance.
  • New dog and cat licenses needed each year after Feb. 1st.  Pet tags are available now in the village office.
  • Bradshaw United Methodist Church: April 1st-Palm Sunday 11:00am, April 6th-Good Friday Service 7:00pm, April 8th-Easter Sunday 11:00am with Sunday School at 9:30am. (The Bradshaw United Methodist Church would like to thank all the children and families for joining them for the Easter Egg Hunt that was held in the park.  Also, thank you to everyone who supported the Pancake Feed which all proceeds will go towards remodeling the kitchen.)

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