Home Faith Bible Truths – “Think on These Things”

Bible Truths – “Think on These Things”


Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8

We are, in 2012, bombarded with information.  Newspapers, magazines, books, the internet, TV, radio and cell phones constantly fill our minds with thoughts, both good and bad.  As believers, we want to think Godly thoughts.  Therefore, it is good for us to take an inventory of what kind of messages we are allowing to enter into our minds.  The Bible gives us a guide for the types of things we should allow ourselves to think on.

Whatsoever things are true…  We ought not to waste time thinking on things that are not true.  As a four year old, my aunt took me to see the movie E.T.  After watching that move, I spent some sleepless nights fearful of an alien coming into my room.  As adults, we can spend time thinking about things that are only in our imagination.  Are you filling your mind and your children’s minds with truth?

Whatsoever things are honest…  It is amazing to me that so-called ‘newspapers’ such as the ‘National Enquirer’ are still with us in 2012.  As followers of Jesus Christ who is ‘The Truth’, we should have nothing to do with lies.  Although it seems that honesty is no longer in style, God’s Word says otherwise.  We should think only on honest things.

Whatsoever things are just…  We ought to dwell on ‘just’ or ‘upright’ thoughts.  So much of what we are bombarded with is sinful.  If it is sinful, we ought not to allow it into our minds.  I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes…(Ps 101:3)  When we find ourselves thinking sinful thoughts, we must cease, immediately.  If something in our lives is encouraging those sinful thoughts, we must remove it from our lives.

Whatsoever things are pure…  It is easy for us to imagine a pure, sparkling stream of water.  Here in Nebraska, it is also easy for us to visualize a slow moving, muddy river.  The muddy river has all kinds of foreign matter mixed in with the water.  The water is not pure.  God wants us to think pure thoughts.  He does not want our thoughts muddied by impurities.  If we are serious about thinking pure thoughts, we will want to remove the sources in our lives that are introducing the impurities.

Whatsoever things are lovely…  God is love.  Christians should love one another.  In fact, if we do not love others, the Bible says we knoweth not God (I John 4:8).  So much of our entertainment (movies, music, TV, video games, etc.), however, is filled with hate.  If we are to think lovely thoughts, we ought to remove from our lives hateful influences.

Whatsoever things are of good report…  If our thoughts were reported to others, would they be things which we are proud?  Are our thoughts of good report?

If there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things…  If you strive to live virtuously for God’s glory, if you want to praise God with your life, take control of your thoughts.  We will constantly do battle against our old sin nature and the lusts of our flesh.  If we do desire to live as God would have us live, we should, with the conviction and power of the Holy Spirit, take practical steps in our lives in order to do so.  May we obey Him, and in whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.  (I Cor 10:31)

Pastor Lee Smith