Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubek

Extension Update by Gary Zoubek [December 22, 2011]


Extension Update by Gary L. Zoubek - Extension Educator

Coming Events

Dec. 20, 2011, 1:00 p.m.  – Quad County On-Farm Research Update, 4-H Building York.

Jan. 4, 2012 – Crop Production Clinic, Classic’s, Beatrice, info http://cpc.unl.edu

Jan. 5, 2012 – Crop Production Clinic, City Auditorium, info http://cpc.unl.edu

Jan. 9-11, 2012 – Nebraska Ag Classic, Holiday Inn, Kearney, http://www.neagclassic.org

Jan. 10, 2012 – Crop Production Clinic, Adams County Fairgrounds, Hastings, info http://cpc.unl.edu

Jam. 23, 2012 – 7:00 p.m., Extension Board Meeting, Extension Office, York

Jan. 25, 2012, 1:30 p.m. – Private Pesticide Applicator Training – 4-H Building, York

Feb. 16, 2012, 1:30 p.m. – Private Pesticide Applicator Training – 4-H Building, York

Quad County On-Farm Research Update

Last week several area Extension Educators and I worked on updating and summarizing the on-farm research that our area producers conducted this past year.  These area producers and use will share this past year information on today, Tuesday Dec. 20th at 1:00 p.m. in the 4-H Building here in York.  We’ve conducted corn and soybean planting population studies, starter fertilizer studies, fungicide studies as well as comparing other products including sugar applications.

All interested area producers are invited to attend!  Charles Wortmann, Extension Soils Specialist will share some on-farm research results that they conducted at the Soybean Management Field Day plots.  They were looking at growing 100 bushel soybeans – Factors Needed and the past years results.  We’ll also have some reports on other products being tested as well as some cover crop research.

Extension Educators Keith Glewen and Jim Schneider will also share some fungicide and cover crop results!

Hopefully, we’ll see you this afternoon at 1:00 p.m.  Please invite an neighbor or two to also attend.

If you have ideas for next seasons needed research, bring them along or email them to me at gzoubek1@unl.edu.

Extension of public comment period for the proposed NPDES CAFO Reporting Rule

On October 21, 2011, EPA published a proposed rule that would require that concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO) to submit basic operational information to the Agency.

EPA proposed the rule in order to more effectively carry out its CAFO permitting programs on a national level and ensure that CAFOs are implementing practices to protect water quality and human health. For
more information on the proposed rule, visit http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/afo/aforule.cfm.

EPA received requests from the public for additional time to submit comments, so EPA is extending the public comment period by 30 days to January 19, 2012.  So if you are a livestock producer and have not commented, you have to Jan19th to do so.

Crop Production Clinics Planned
It’s hard to believe, but a new year is just around the corner and that means we’ll be hosting one of the nine Crop Production Clinics being planned for across the state in January!  This year topics look great, they include topic on soil fertility, soil water and irrigation management, crop production, ag business management and policy, pesticide safety, and disease, insect and weed pest management.  Sessions in our area will be in Beatrice on Jan. 4th, here in York on Jan. 5th and in Hastings on Jan. 10th.

The clinics are an opportunity to renew your commercial and non-commercial pesticide applicators licenses in the categories of Ag Plant, Regulatory and Demonstrations/Research. Private pesticide applicators can also be recertified by attending the clinics.

Certified Crop Advisors can earn continuing education units in the Integrated Pest Management (six CEU), Soil and Water (two CEU), Nutrient Management (one CEU) and Crop Production (three CEU). Attendees can earn a maximum of six CEU at a location.

If you have not attended in the past, I’d sure encourage all area producers to give it a try.  For more information, including program topics, visit the Web at http://cpc.unl.edu/.  Registration is available online by visiting the website or is available at the door starting at 8 a.m. before each clinic, which start at 9 a.m. Cost is $60 for those recertifying as a commercial, non-commercial or private applicator or $50 for those not recertifying. The fee includes a noon meal, the 2012 Guide for Weed Management in Nebraska and the 2012 Crop Production Clinic Proceedings.

Give me a call if you’d like more information about these workshops!  Hopefully we’ll see you there right after the first of the year!

Nebraska Ag Classic Planned

Have you registered for the Nebraska Ag Classic planned for January 9-11, 2012 at the Holiday Inn in Kearney?   The Nebraska Ag Classic represents the combined efforts of twelve different agricultural, commodity, and ag leadership organizations to provide to those attending our conference one of the largest and best events to be held in Nebraska.

I’ve looked at the agenda and they have a great set of speakers and  trade show! The sessions will bring you up to date on subjects such as urban/rural connections, the new farm bill, water issues and marketing information as well it will give us all an opportunity to learn more about our respective organizations.

The Nebraska Ag Classic organization is comprised of the following groups: NE Corn Board, NE Corn Growers, NE Farm Business Association, Ne Soybean Board, NE Soybean Association, NE Wheat Board, NE Wheat Growers Association, NE LEAD Alumni, NE AgRelations, NE Grain Sorghum Producers, NE Grain Sorghum Board and NE Grain & Feed Association.

For more information or to register go to: http://www.neagclassic.org/.  Registration costs go up after, January 2nd, so if you have not done so yet, now’s the time to register!

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