Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubek

Extension Update by Gary Zoubek [November 17, 2011]


Extension Update by Gary L. Zoubek - Extension Educator

Coming Events

Nov. 15, 2011 – Landlord/Tenant Cash Lease Workshop, Sokol Hall, 5:00 p.m., Wilber

Nov. 18, 2011 – York County Corn Grower Banquet and LEAD Presentation, 6:30 p.m., Chances R, York

Nov. 30, 2011 – Farmers/Ranchers College, Dr. Dave Kohl, 1p.m., Opera House, Bruning

Dec. 15-16 – AgSMARTS Program, Extension Office, Seward

Landlord/Tenant Cash Lease Workshops

If you were planning to attend the Landlord/Tenant Cash Lease Workshops in Wilber it’s today, so call them now!  These workshops are sponsored by the Nebraska Soybean Board.  Those in our area include:

Nov. 15 – Wilber, Sokol Hall, Saline County Extension, 402-821-2151

Dec. 6 – Hastings, Adams County Fairgrounds, Adams County Extension, 402-461-7209

Dec. 7 — Central City, Community Room, Merrick County Extension, 308-946-3843

Workshops begin with 5 p.m. registration and conclude at 9 p.m. at each location.  Discussion topics will include:

  • expectations from the lease, including goal setting for the rental property;
  • lease communication, determining appropriate information sharing for both the tenant and landlord;
  • tips for farm leases that include relatives;
  • irrigation system questions, as they pertain to setting lease rates; and
  • alternative cash lease arrangements and flexible provision considerations

These workshops are free, but registration is required to reserve a spot.  A meal and handouts are provided, but participation is limited. To register, contact the local Extension Office hosting the workshop.

Farmers & Ranches College

The first Farmers & Ranches College session of the season is slated for November 30th at the Bruning Opera House featuring Dr. David Kohl.  His presentation will start at 1:00 p.m. and is titled “Global Economic Impacts on the Farm & Ranch”.  This workshop will focus on the new mega trends impacting   producers’ profitability and lifestyles.  What will be the emerging nations’ role?  What will be the economic game changers?  How can producers position themselves to capitalize on these trends?  Do high farmland values represent a credit or asset bubble?  Where is the economy heading?

Don’t miss this session with Dr. Dave Kohl, Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Finance and Small Business Management at Virginia Tech, as it will increase your economic literacy, which is critical to managing your business and household. Registration is free due to the generous sponsorship of Farmers & Ranchers College sponsors.

For more information, call the Fillmore County Extension Office at (402) 759-3712.

Corn Grower Banquet and LEAD Presentation Planned

Just a reminder, the annual York Count Corn Grower banquet is planned for Friday Nov. 18th at 6:30 p.m. at Chance R here in York.  Tickets can be purchased from us at the Extension Office located at 2345 Nebraska Avenue or from any of the Board of Directors.  Directors with tickets include: Clark Pickrel, Gale Gruber, Rick Gruber, Boyd Stuhr Jr., Ryan Wiens, Dale Moore, Dennis Scamehorn, Bryan Mason, Ron Makovicka, Dave Dickerson, Kim Shepherd, Tom Ritzdorf or Dan Stork!

It should be a great meal and a great LEAD presentation!  I hope you’ll plan to attend!  Reservations need to be made by noon November 16th!  Call us at 402-362-5508 or email me at gzoubek1@unl.edu.

2011 Ag SMARTS Program Offered in Seward
I mentioned it last week, but wanted to mention it again!  In today’s agriculture, risk management is the name of the game!  With that goal in mind, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension program called Husker Ag SMARTS, can help producers understand this risk and improve business skills.  This six day business management program is designed to do that and topics will include goal setting, business and marketing strategic planning, financial competency, personnel management and succession planning.  These intensive sessions will include interactive discussion, case study analysis, computer-based simulations, hands-on training and practice, and discussions with other successful individuals in the industry who use these skills and concepts.

The program consists of three, two-day work sessions and is limited to 20 participants.  The meeting dates in Seward will be: Dec. 15, Dec. 16, Jan. 10, Jan. 11, Feb. 7 and Feb. 8.

Registration is $600, if registered by November 15.  All educational materials, meals and breaks are included. Participants are responsible for lodging and travel expenses.  To register, a $100 deposit must be submitted when registering and the balance will be due at the end of the first session.  For more information and a registration form, visit: http://johnson.unl.edu/web/johnson/agsmarts.

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