Home News Agriculture Heartland FFA Attends National FFA Convention

Heartland FFA Attends National FFA Convention


On October 18 – October 22, Abigail Bechtel, Matthew Hiebner, Andrew Spader and Morgan Tracy recently traveled to Indianapolis, IN for the 84th National FFA Convention. Advisor Cole Blomendahl and Connie Bechtel also attended. Throughout the week, students had the chance to tour John Deere Seeding facility, Hill Top Orchids, Soy Creations and Bainbridge Buffalo Farm. Members also attended the convention’s Opening Session, where they listened to motivational speaker Dave Roever. Later that day, students visited the National FFA Career Show and the National FFA Talent Show.

During the week, members had the opportunity to listen to Abigail Bechtel as she participated in the National FFA Choir. Morgan Tracy represented the Heartland FFA Chapter by singing in the talent show. Both members had to audition and be selected from a large group of other FFA members from across the nation.

Finally, Heartland FFA members attended the American Degree Ceremony. Heartland had five members receive the highest honor the National FFA can bestow upon its members. Those members included: Jarred Erb, Connor Hiebner, Travis Jensen, Brittany Ratzlaff and Darrell Traudt.

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