Home News Editorial Growth and Housing Go Hand in Hand

Growth and Housing Go Hand in Hand [EDITORIAL]


HeartlandBeat.com October 2011 Editorial by Dr. Norm Yoder Superintendent at Heartland Community School.

The future of the Heartland Community School District depends a lot on the number of students that will live in the Heartland district.  The number of students has declined by 172 students since the consolidation of the Henderson and Bradshaw districts 14 years ago.  How can we work toward gaining more students for the district and the communities of Henderson and Bradshaw?  I believe housing is the number one concern.  Both communities need to look at ways to increase housing opportunities for young families.

The Henderson community has the opportunity to develop an area of land that has been gifted to the city by Dr. Jim and Nora Ohrt.  Developing this land will give opportunities for new families to move into the community and build housing in an area that would possibly attract other similar families. This development might also provide housing for people who already live in the community and would like to upgrade their housing situation which in turn would provide housing opportunities for younger families.  I strongly believe that the city council should take steps to develop this area now and not wait for sometime in the distant future.  I would encourage the city to put in the infrastructure (streets and utilities) and use the current tax structure to have all of the citizens of Henderson help with the cost of the development thus making it affordable for future residents.

The Village of Bradshaw has invested in the site of the old school building and is currently offering the lots for sale that were formerly the school playground.  A possible opportunity for these lots would be to give them to future home buyers if they would build within a year or two.  This would be similar to what several other communities have done as an incentive to encourage families to move into their community, which in turn would help both the community to grow and possibly help the school district enrollment as well.

Why should both communities make a commitment like this?  Why not?  If we are concerned about the future of both communities and of the future of the Heartland District, it is time to act.  We can continue to wait, but that will not help us grow as communities and as a school district.  The ethanol plant in York is talking expansion which will bring more jobs to York County and what better opportunity than to provide possible housing for some of those families.  We had one family, who found employment in Aurora this summer, move into the district because they wanted to attend a school smaller than Aurora.  I have recently visited with three different business persons who said they have hired new employees within the last year and they are living in York or Aurora because they couldn’t find suitable housing in Henderson or Bradshaw.

I would like to challenge the residents of both communities to talk with and encourage the council members in Henderson and the Village board members in Bradshaw to move forward with the development of these aforementioned properties to help both communities and the Heartland School District grow and continue to be prosperous communities.  Let’s all work together for the betterment of our communities.

Proposed Housing Development on the Northeast side of Henderson that was gifted to the city by Dr. Jim and Nora Ohrt.



  1. As Executive Director and manager of the Henderson Housing Authority, I frequently receive calls from a parent looking to relocate their family into the Henderson area. They are looking for two and three bedroom apartments to accomodate their growing families. Our facility has only one bedroom apartments with a limited occupancy of two tenants per unit so we are unable to accomodate these families. I always refer them to another apartment complex who may have multiple bedroom units available hoping these families will find housing so that they can, and will move into our community.
    There is a need for more diverse housing opportunities in Henderson.
    I and my children attended and graduated from Henderson Community School. I want my grandkids to have the same opportunity.
    Thank you Dr. Yoder for taking this opportunity to express your concerns and to request support from other community and city council members.

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