Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubek

Extension Update by Gary Zoubek [October 27, 2011]


Extension Update by Gary L. Zoubek - Extension Educator

Coming Events

Oct. 30, 2011, 2:00 p.m. – 4-H Robotics Club Meeting, Extension Office, York

Nov. 3, 2011 – Ag at the Crossroads Conference, Lancaster Event Center, Lincoln

Nov. 12, 2011 – Power of Red Open House, East Campus Union, Lincoln http://casnr.unl.edu/openhouse

Nov. 15, 2011 — Landlord/Tenant Cash Lease Workshop, Sokol Hall, 5:00 p.m., Wilber

Nov. 30:  Farmers/Ranchers College, Dr. Dave Kohl, 1p.m., Opera House, Bruning

4-H Robotics Program and 4-H Ages

I’ve mentioned it before, but this will be my final reminder.  We’re getting our 4-H Robotics Club going again for the coming season and our first meeting is planned for 2:00 p.m. Sunday October 30th at the Extension Office in York.  This project is designed for children 9-14.

This year’s theme is the food factor, so it should be a fun project!  Our two teams will go to Kearney on January 7th to Qualify for the Nebraska Championship Tournament which will be held February 18th at the Strategic Air and Space Museum near Ashland!

If you have youth that may be interested, let me know by Friday October 28 at 402-362-5508 or at gzoubek1@unl.edu.

Last week I mentioned that the 4-H year was ending and we were planning to start another year!  It’s a great time to be thinking about organizing a 4-H Club in your neighborhood or area.  We often get the question “How old do you have to be to join a 4-H Club.”  The answer I gave may have been a little complicated, it would have been better for me to say if they turn 5 the current year they can be a Clover Kid and if they turn 9 they can be a 4-H Member until the year they turn 19.  Contact our office at 402-362-5508 for more information about the 4-H program or visit our webstie:  http://york.unl.edu.

Extension Internships Available

Have you thought about Extension as a potential career?  UNL Extension is accepting applications for its summer internship program through Nov. 1. The program is open to undergraduate and graduate students. These intern positions are 12-week salaried positions. Interns can also receive credit through their home department.

The goal of this program is to enlarge the pool of prospective Extension professionals in Nebraska and increase the work force diversity of the organization. A promotional flier listing the responsibilities of interns is available at our website along with an application form.  That address is http://york.unl.edu.  Just click on the appropriate links.  I’d be glad to visit with anyone interested in these internships.  We’ve had a couple that have had them in the past.  The deadline to apply is November 1st!

Testing for Soybean Cyst Nematodes

We’ve continued to make good progress with harvest!  As we get completed, it’s time to evaluate you’re your corn and soybean yields. Did all your soybean fields do as well as expected? If not, I’d encourage you to stop by our office and pickup some sample bags and instruction sheet for sampling for soybean cyst nematodes (SCN).  It is estimated that in previous years, SCN cost Nebraska farmers over $25 million in lost soybean yields. This is more than the estimated losses from all other soybean diseases combined.  The problem with SCN is that, unlike other soybean pests, there may be no visible symptoms. Yields may be reduced 20-30% on healthy looking plants.  So, now is the time to test for this pest and we have sample bags and instructions available at our office.

The Nebraska Soybean Board is providing soil test bags for free SCN analysis. This is normally a $20 test at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic. This project, funded by soybean checkoff funds, is an opportunity to get a return on that investment.  Stop by for sample bags, or more information about this pest!

You can also check out our NebGuide Ga383 at:  http://www.ianrpubs.unl.edu/epublic/live/g1383/build/g1383.pdf.  If you do have this pest we have varieties and things that you can do to minimize the effect on your yields and profits.  The key is knowing an managing for this pest!

Landlord/Tenant Cash Lease Workshops Planned

A series of Landlord/Tenant Cash Lease Workshops are planned for November and December.  Some in our area include:

Nov. 15 – Wilber, Sokol Hall, Saline County Extension, 402-821-2151

Dec. 6 – Hastings, Adams County Fairgrounds, Adams County Extension, 402-461-7209

Dec. 7 — Central City, Community Room, Merrick County Extension, 308-946-3843

Helping landlords and tenants establish and maintain a positive farm leasing relationship will be the focus of  workshops.  The programs will be hosted by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension and sponsored by the Nebraska Soybean Board.

Workshops begin with 5 p.m. registration and conclude at 9 p.m. at each location.

These Landlord/Tenant Cash Lease Workshops should help producers deal with the volatility of cash grain markets for corn and soybeans.  “Landlords are trying to be loyal to their tenants, yet want a fair return for the land asset,” Vyhnalek said. “Tenants want to be sure to stay in business, yet feel the pressure of bidding to keep the land base that they have been farming.”

Discussion topics will include:

  • expectations from the lease, including goal setting for the rental property;
  • lease communication, determining appropriate information sharing for both the tenant and landlord;
  • tips for farm leases that include relatives;
  • irrigation system questions, as they pertain to setting lease rates; and
  • alternative cash lease arrangements and flexible provision considerations

Other topics, such as grain bin rental, will be covered as time allows.

For more information about these workshops, contact Vyhnalek at 402-563-4901, email avyhnalek2@unl.edu or check out the Cropwatch website and click on the upcoming programs link near the bottom of the homepage!

A meal and handouts are provided. Workshops are free, but registration is required to reserve a spot.  Participation is limited. To register, contact the local Extension Office hosting the workshop.

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