Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubek

Extension Update by Gary Zoubek


We’re happy to announce that Gary Zoubek, York County Extension Educator,  will be contributing his weekly column on HeartlandBeat.com. So be sure to check back each week to get your Agricultural updates.

Extension Update by Gary L. Zoubek - Extension Educator

Coming Events

August 24, Bioenergy Informational Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Kilgore Memorial Library, 520 Nebraska Av., York

August 25, York County Corn Grower Tour, 5:30 p.m., Road 14 between O & P, York

August 29, Extension Board Exec. Meeting, 8:00 p.m., Extension Office, 2345 Nebraska Av., York

August 26-September 5th, Nebraska State Fair in Grand Island

Bioenergy Informational Meeting Planned

Friday I received some information from Cassie at the YCDC and want to inform area producers about an upcoming meeting.  A world-renowned bioenergy company is seeking opportunities to increase local farmers, agribusinesses & cooperatives revenue streams. Learn how to get involved and increase your earnings by attending an informational session on Wednesday, August 24th, 2011, 7:00 p.m.,Kilgore Memorial Library, 520 Nebraska Ave., York NE.

For questions or more information, please contact York County Development Corporation at (402)362-3333.

York County Corn Growers Variety Plot Field Day

I hope you’ll plan to attend the annual York County Corn Grower Plot Field Day this Thursday, August 26th from 5:30 p.m.to 7:30 p.m. at the Ray and Ron Makovicka farm.  The plot is located on road 14 between O & P.  It’s the same location as last season.  You’ll also have an opportunity to check out the RoundUp Ready Soybean Plot located just south and east of the Corn Grower Plot!

Following the tour we’ll have a pork sandwich lunch, some updates and door prizes!  I hope to see you there!

Cropping Update

Temperatures averaged about the same as last week at 82.5° F for the week, but the humidity was up about 6 points averaging 87% for the week!  The ETgages I’m monitoring in the York area dropped right at  1.0 inch for the week!  To estimate the crops actual crop water use, we multiply the crop coefficients for the current growth stage of growth by the ETgage drop.  The current coefficient is 1.1  so that’s the crop water use for the week or .16”/day for the week!

The rains we received the week before have put the fields I’m monitoring in great shape.  All the fields I’m monitoring have at least 1.5” of available soil water before we’ll reach the 50% trigger level.  At least one of the fields I’m monitoring, we’re done irrigating for the season.  It’s at full dent or ½ milk line, so the water use to maturity is 2.25” and we have more than that in the soil profile!  For other corn stages, if you are at beginning dent, 5.0” of water use; ¼ milk line, 3.75”; and ¾ milk line, 1.0”.  For soybeans: Beginning of seed enlargement, 6.5”; End of seed enlargement, 3.5”; Beginning of leaf yellowing, 1.9”.

For complete details on crop water use estimates for corn, soybeans and grain sorghum, check out our NebGuide at: http://www.ianrpubs.unl.edu/epublic/live/g1871/build/g1871.pdf.

Each Monday I’ve been preparing podcast on irrigation management for a few fields in the York area as well as at the ARDC near Mead.  You can get to them by going to our CropWatch website http://cropwatch.unl.edu and then clicking on the irrigation link.  Additional information about irrigation can be found at our Nebraska Ag Water Management Network (NAWMN) website:  http://water.unl.edu/nawmn.  I hope you’ll take time to check these resources out!

Autumn Leaves: Lunch & Learn Begins September 7th

A series of lunch & learn webinars focusing on fall gardening topics will be offered in September.  Each Wednesday from 12:05-12:55 p.m., right from your desk at work or home, you can learn about fall planting, overwintering summer bulbs, bulb planting and preparing the garden for winter.

The topics are as follows:

September 7- Fall Planting and Overseeding

September 14- Overwintering Summer Blooming Bulbs

September 21- Fall Bulb Planting

September 28- Putting The Garden To Bed

You must pre-register for each program, and will need a computer with internet access and sound to participate. During each program, you can view, listen and interact with the speakers. Once you have registered, you will receive the program handout and login information via email.

Register Online:        http://marketplace.unl.edu/extension

Program Fee:            $10.00 per program or $30.00 for the entire program series
Program Times:        12:05 p.m.- 12:55 p.m. CDT

For more information, contact:
Sarah Browning, (402) 441-7180, sbrowning2@unl.edu
Natalia Bjorklund, (402) 727-2775, nbjorklund3@unl.edu
Nicole Haxton, (402) 223-1384, nhaxton2@unl.edu

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