Everyone was able to make a splash during Community Days on July 8, 9 & 10, with many winners being recognized through various activities happening during the weekend.
The first event open for competition during Community Days was the Photo Scavenger Hunt, where participants had to indicate the location of 50 pictures taken around Henderson. The teams completing the entire scavenger hunt correctly included: the Janzen Three and Jordan & Ashley Bittinger. To see all of the pictures and answers to the scavenger hunt visit the Henderson website at www.cityofhenderson.org.
In the cannonball contest the biggest splash was made by the top five finalist including Daniel Quiring, Brent Regier, Cole Nickels, Clay Bergen, and Kyle Ott.
In the Ping Pong Slider over 500 mini softballs and baseballs slid down the pool slide and across the finish line. The first five to finish belonged to Deb Mierau, Colton Siebert, Jim Mestl, Susan Siebert and David Mestl.
The final competitive activity on Friday night was the first Pitch Tournament at Galaway Creek Golf Course. This years winning team consisted of: Brian Bergen and Andrew Horwart, in second place was Mike Bergen and Corbin Tessman, and winning third place was Steve Siebert and Michael Hiebner.
During the First Men’s Alumni Basketball Tournament men three teams came out on top.The first team consisted of Jonny Mierau, Blake Vancura, Ty Huebert, Dave Hiebner, Jeff Gloystein, Kyle Janzen, and Chad Buller.  In seconded place was Garrett Friesen, Taylor Siebert, Steve Sherman, Grant Hiebner, Nick Sowl, and Braden Hiebner. The third place teams included  Chris Buller, Kris Hiebner, Brad Vancura, Doug Franz, Dustin Chrisman, Tony Rice, Landon Goertzen, Ron Wall, and Mike Bergen.
Community Days was able to make a splash thanks to a wonderful group of business sponsors.  These businesses include: Cornerstone Bank, Northern Agri-Services, Dutch Kitchen, HeartlandBeat.com, Henderson State Bank, Midtown Apartments, York/Henderson Heating & Air,  Mainstay Communications, Heartland Community Schools, Henderson Pharmacy, CNF Inc, Kerry’s Restaurant, HR Engineering, Henderson Health Care Services, Inc, Henderson Community COOP, Kroeker & Kroeker Insurance and Real Estate, Bergen Friesen Agency, Metz Mortuary, and Service Press.
These Chamber members are great supporters of the community of Henderson. Â Be sure to stop by their office and thank them personally for the Mini Golf, Bounce House, Water Slide and musical entertainment Jim Barnes. Â These events were free to the public in the Downtown Park on Saturday because of their support.
Kelsey Bergen