Home News Street Construction to Begin Soon

Street Construction to Begin Soon

14th Street
14th Street

If you have taken a drive around town lately or, better yet, live on one of the following streets, you know that there is some serious repair work that needs to be done.  Well, the wait is over.  Two roads in Henderson are on the schedule for construction which include the street and sidewalk of 11th Street starting at the intersection of Oak Street down to the Henderson MB Church intersection and also 14th Street east of the Downtown park from Henderson Coop one block south. 14th will also have its street and sidewalks replaced.

The construction will be done by a company out of Lincoln, TCW.  The project will take approximately six to eight weeks to complete.Mayor, Ken Bergen said that the deadline for completion is November 15th and the pre-construction meeting with TCW came with anticipation of a start time of next week if all goes as planned with a project TCW is finishing up in another town.

TCW will be doing a new technique on the streets in Henderson, as the curb and street will all be poured in one run so there will be no seam for water to settle into.

These repairs will very much help the drives around town and the folks that live along these streets.  A much needed improvement.

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