Heartland School Board Accepting Letters of Interest for Use of Early...
HCS is accepting letters of interest from childcare/daycare providers for the new early childhood facility.
Heartland Concessions Something to Brag About!
Heartland teacher Anne Regier heads up the concession stand and mans the grill no matter the weather!
Heartland Community Schools has an excellent reputation...
Heartland FFA Travels to 97th National FFA Convention
Heartland FFA members recently attended the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis.
FBLA Results at UNO Business Competition
Heartland FBLA members who competed at the recent UNO Business Competition.
Heartland FBLA recently competed at the UNO Business Competition on Friday, November 13....
Quiz Bowl Team Competes at Husker Invite
The Heartland Quiz Bowl team competed in Lincoln at the Husker Invite at UNL.
Heartland Quiz Bowl Teams Compete at Central City
All three of the Heartland Quiz Bowl Teams had some success at their recent competition.
Heartland 1st Quarter 2024 Honor Roll Announced
Heartland Community School announced its 2024 first quarter honor roll students.