Henderson Health Care Foundation Golf Tournament
The 2nd Annual Henderson Health Care Foundation Golf Tournament will take place next week on Friday, August 26, at Galaway Greek Golf Course beginning...
August is National Immunization Month
We all need immunizations (also called vaccines or shots) to help protect us from serious diseases. To help keep our local community safe, Henderson...
Health Care Foundation Golf Tournament
The 2nd Annual Henderson Health Care Foundation Golf Tournament will take place on Friday, August 26, at Galaway Greek Golf Course beginning at 12:00 Noon. ...
Excessive Heat in the Heartland
Whether you are going to the pool, playing it safe and staying inside where the air conditioning is or if you are brave enough...
2011 Jaunt Results [PHOTOS]
Click here to Visit Gallery & purchase photos
5K MEN – Overall winner: Reece Landenberger, Wichita, KS 18:01
Under 15: #1 – Coby Steingard,35:31.
20-29: #1 –...
Encourage Runners – Drive With Caution
The fifth annual HHCS Junior Auxiliary Jaunt will commence at 7:30 a.m. this Saturday during the Henderson Community Days celebration.  The 5K, 10K and one...
Get Fit: The Food and Drink Game Plan
We are just a week away from the Jaunt. There is still time to receive the early registration fee, but the deadline is July...
Get Fit: Stretching to Prevent Injury
There are officially two and a half weeks left until the Jaunt. I hope the routes last week inspired your training and gave you...