Home Faith Faith Evangelical Bible Church Missionary Conference

Faith Evangelical Bible Church Missionary Conference


Written by Shannon Siebert

The public is invited to attend the Faith Evangelical Bible Church Missions Conference this weekend, February 24-26, with the theme “Unstoppable God!”  Greg & Michelle Fink, Darwin & Karen Stoesz, and Eugene & Marsha Enns will be here in person to share their ministry. 

You may sign up to attend the Women’s Luncheon and Men’s Breakfast by calling the church office at 402-723-5888. Daughters and Sons are invited to attend as well. 

The conference will conclude with a potluck dinner on Sunday, February 26 which the hospitality committee will host. 

A love offering will be taken throughout the weekend and given to the three missionaries participating in the conference to be used in their ministry where needed most.

Missions Conference Schedule

February 24 – 26


7:00 p.m. First Session – Eugene and Marsha Enns

8:00 p.m. Fellowship time


8:00 a.m. Men’s breakfast (Sons included)

Noon Women’s luncheon (daughters included)

6:00 p.m.  Second Session – Greg and Michelle Fink

7:00 p.m.  Fellowship time

7:30 p.m.  Third Session – Darwin and Karen Stoesz


9:30  a.m. Adult and Youth – Panel discussion with all Missionaries

                Children’s session – Missions and activity

10:30 a.m. Church service 

Missionary Challenge-Ken Dalke

Worship Message-Pastor Bryan

Noon Potluck meal