Home Living Extension Update from Megan Burda: 4-H for Your Health

Extension Update from Megan Burda: 4-H for Your Health


Megan Burda – York/Polk Extension Educator

4-H For Your Health!

Head, Heart, Hands, HEALTH! The 4-H Program is well known for the 4-H’s! How does HEALTH fit into youth development? 4-H Healthy Living programs are designed to help 4-H youth learn about living a healthy lifestyle through fun, hands-on activities and projects. Youth participate in 4-H Healthy Living programs through schools, 4-H clubs, and camps.

4-H healthy living activities may include learning more about food preparation, careers in nutrition, food science, physical fitness, and safety. Let’s take a look at each one and understand how 4-H educates youth in each one of these areas of the science of HEALTH!

Fun with Food Preparation:  4-H projects can be delicious and nutritious! Nebraska 4-H Food and Nutrition Projects help youth learn about how to have the right recipe for success. Youth can learn how to cook nutritious meals; using MyPlate; find out more about nutrition, substitutions, food equivalencies, tools and terms involved in cooking; and explore the art of menu planning. Check with your county about projects, exhibits and competitions. It’s a yummy way for youth to compete!

Cooking Up Careers in Nutrition: Youth interested in 4-H Foods projects may be interested in the following careers:

Counseling and Mental Health Services

Extension Educator

Family and Community Service


Food Chemist

Food Safety Inspector

Restaurant and Food/Beverage Services

Therapeutic Services

4-H’ers have a great connection to the University of Nebraska – Lincoln’s Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences for some exciting possibilities! Remember, 4-H is your FIRST class at the University of Nebraska!

Exploring Food Science: 4-H is not just about making the cookies, but understanding WHY the cookies turned out the way they did. What is the different between using this ingredient or that one? How does yeast work and is it really alive? 4-H Foods curriculums explore more than just HOW to make the recipe – but also offer great insight into WHY the recipe works! Science can be delicious if you want to explore it with 4-H Foods!

Moving With 4-H: Health ROCKS in Nebraska! Building healthy life skills leads to better choices. This is just one way 4-H helps youth learn new ways to have a healthy focus! Using the Healthy Rocks App can even help kids connect through technology to test their health knowledge by participating in carnival-themed games. The overall health status of their player is determined by how many health points they obtain, which will either turn their player into a superhero or an unhealthy person. Ready-Set-Go!

Focus on Safety First: Keeping a healthy lifestyle also means being prepared for times when safety skills are needed. Many 4-H projects are designed to help youth learn safe skills for first aid, disaster preparation, fire safety, and safe use of vehicles, farm equipment and more. Discover strategies for safety at home and away with these hands-on 4-H projects!

Want to know more about 4-H foods? Go to food.unl.edu/youth for resources to use to cook up some fun in 4-H! Head, Heart, Hands, HEALTH! Here is to 4-H For Your Health!

Source: Amy Peterson, Extension Educator in Polk County. To request additional information or programs contact Amy at apeterson3@unl.edu.

This article comes from a series of resources developed by 4-H Youth Development professionals in the NE and SE District. Learn more about 4-H at 4h.unl.edu.

Upcoming Events

Quilts of Valor II Documentary to Air on NET

Last year Iowa Public Television came to York, NE and the Nebraska State Fair to videotape Nebraska 4-Hers who were working with Quilts of Valor. Several of our 4-Hers, leaders, and Extension Staff were interviewed and showcased.  The 100+ minute documentary was shown in Iowa the first part of December.  The Quilts of Valor II Documentary will be broadcasted on NET (1) on Sunday, March 6 at 12:30pm CT.  It is also scheduled on NET Create (3) on March 7 at 11:00am CT and March 12 at 2pm CT.Â