Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck

Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck [August 13, 2015]


Coming Events

August 18, Nutrient Workshop, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., 4-H Building, York

August 19, South Central Ag Lab Field Day, 8:50 a.m., near Clay Center

August 20, York County Corn Grower Plot Tour, 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Makovicka Farm, York

August 20, Crop Sense Field Day, 6:00 p.m., Cornerstone Event Center, York Fairgrounds

August 25, Extension Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Extension Office, York

Another Great Fair!

We sure had better than normal temperatures for our fair; that’s two years in a row! 

From my perspective things went very well thanks to the help of all the volunteers and sponsors. 

We had some great livestock shows as well as many great exhibits in Ag Hall and the Home Economics building. We also had many great FFA and Open Class exhibits in Ag Hall. The little I saw of the concert, it went well, as did the Figure 8 race and the many events under the Big Tent! 

I want to thank many people for assisting with this effort. The many hours of planning and the long days the Ag Society members and spouses spend during the fair! The ground crew of Del and a little help had the facilities and the grounds looking great!

I also want to thank our staff of Gerald Peterson, Stephanie Stanley, Sue Stahr, and our summer help (Elizabeth Peterson, Ann Wilton and Katie Husman) for the countless hours planning, preparing and conducting the various events and shows. These people have carried much of the load, without them it just could or would not get done!  “Thank You” York News Times staff for taking the many pictures of all the winners and preparing timely stories for over a week promoting the fair and all the activities! I’m looking forward to see the Special Fair Supplement when it comes out! 

THANK YOU to all the superintendents and volunteers that assist the various shows and helped with judging and displaying of all the 4-H, FFA and open class projects. Without your assistances York Ag Society could not have the fair we have! 

Thank You to the many, many, many individuals and business that sponsor activities and events along with those businesses and individuals that supported the special premiums for our 4-H and FFA youth! Thanks to each and every one of you.

I enjoy watching the many shows and events, but my favorite part of the fair is seeing all the contestants competing, but also visiting, laughing and encouraging each other.  Hopefully to most participants, County Fairs are not just competition, it’s a celebration!  Congratulations to all the winners as well as all the participants! 

Finally as I wrap-up comments about the 2015 York County Fair, I want to thank the planning committee and all of you that came to my retirement celebration Friday evening under the “Big Red Tent”.  I was overwhelmed and delighted at the many people who attended. 

I have been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with many great Extension Administrators, Extension Specialists, Extension Educators, County Staff and Co-workers.  Many people traveled a long distance to attend and I really appreciated visiting with them.  It’s really been great to have our daughter Dawn and our son Mark and their families back for the week to help Pam and I celebrate this occasion.  It’s brought back many memories of when they were involved in the 4-H program both in Antelope and York Counties.  The many cards and letter I’ve received also bring back some great memories! 

I want to thank all my various Extension Board members for their support as well as all the producers, gardeners and others that I’ve had the opportunity to work with. I’ve enjoyed working with you all. A big “Thank You” to the York County Corn Growers for sponsoring the Ice Cream Social! The “State Fair Carmel Corn Ice Cream” was great!  I’m sure I’ve said it before, but the Dairy Store at UNL does a great job with all the ice cream they produce.

I’m sure next year’s 2016 York County Fair will be another great one! I know that NE Extension Administration and the York Extension Board is working to hire a 4-H Educator and will be interviewing candidates soon and the Extension Educator Cropping Systems position will also be opened up soon. I’m sure we’ll get some great new Extension Educators, and I’m looking forward to all their new ideas and programs. 

Cropping Update

The ETgages I’ve been monitoring weekly drop an average of about 1.00” for the week.  With much of the corn and soybeans in our peak stages for water use, if we multiply by the 1.1, the average water use has been about 1.10” for the week or about .16”/day. For the latest crop water use or ET go to:  https://nawmn.unl.edu/ and click on view weekly ET data. It was also great to receive .63” of rain for the week! 

I also want to remind area producers of the Nutrient Management workshop planned for Aug 18th.  The workshops will be held from 11:30 – 1:30 pm with lunch served at the end of the event. For more information or to register, contact Emily Skillett at EMILYS@A‐FAN.ORG or call 402‐421‐4416.

The UNL’s South Central Ag Lab (SCAL) near Clay Center will be hosting a field day Wednesday, August 19th with registration beginning at 8:00 a.m. and program from 8:50 a.m.-4:00 p.m.   

Tour topics include: 

Tour 1) Cover crop and water use research. 

Tour 2) Resistance management for weeds and insects along with fungicide timing results.

Tour 3) Nutrient management topics of Nitrogen inhibitors, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and Project Sense.

Tour 4) Soil moisture sensor research and underground wireless sensor demonstration.

Dr. Ronnie Green, Interim Sr. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, NU Vice President and Harlan Vice Chancellor for IANR will be the keynote lunch speaker.

There is no charge for the field day, but you those attending are asked to RSVP to Jenny Rees for a meal count at jrees2@unl.edu or (402) 762-3644.  CCA credits will be available. 

For more information and a flier go to:   http://york.unl.edu/crops-future and click on the August 19th link.  It should be a great field day!

The York Corn Growers will be hosting the annual plot tour on Thursday August 20th.  It will be a little earlier than usual and will go from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.  The plot is located on the Ray and Ron Makovicka farm East of York on Road 14, north side between O & P.  At 6:00 p.m. PROJECT SENSE (Sensors for Efficient Nitrogen Use and Stewardship of the Environment) Demonstration Day to follow at 6:00 p.m. at the Cornerstone Event Center, York Fair grounds.  No Cost to attend register by calling 402-624-8000 or emailing Christina.franklin@unl.edu.      Â