Home News Special Meeting City Council Minutes (9/19/12)

Special Meeting City Council Minutes (9/19/12)


Minutes of Meeting of Mayor and City Council

A special meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Henderson, Nebraska was held at 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 19, 2012, at the City Hall in Henderson, Nebraska.

Notice of this meeting was posted at the City Hall and published in the September 13, 2012 issue of the Henderson News.

Mayor Ken Bergen called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. and referred to the Open Meetings Law poster at the back of the chamber council. Roll call showed the following present: Mayor Ken Bergen. Council members: Jim Mestl, Lee Thiessen, and Mike Wall. Absent: Scott Erb. Also present was the city clerk.

The Mayor declared the budget hearing open at 12:02 p.m.

As no public was present to discuss the budget, the Mayor declared the hearing to be closed at 12:07 p.m.

Mike Wall made a motion to approve an additional 1% increase in the total funds subject to limitation. Jim Mestl seconded. Roll vote: Ayes- Mike Wall, Jim Mestl, and Lee Thiessen. Absent: Scott Erb. Motion carried.

Mike Wall made a motion to adopt the 2012-2013 final budget as presented. Lee Thiessen seconded. Roll vote: Ayes- Mike Wall, Lee Thiessen, and Jim Mestl. Absent: Scott Erb. Motion carried.

The Mayor declared the public hearing open at 12:15 p.m. regarding setting the final tax request.

As no public was present, the Mayor declared the public hearing closed at 12:18 p.m.

Lee Thiessen made a motion to set the final tax request at .00935. Jim Mestl seconded. Roll vote: Ayes- Lee Thiessen, Jim Mestl, and Mike Wall. Absent: Scott Erb. Motion carried.

Mike Wall made a motion to adjourn. Jim Mestl Seconded. Roll vote: Ayes- Mike Wall, Jim Mestl, and Lee Thiessen. Absent Scott Erb. Motion carried.

Connie Brown, City Clerk